Editorial for WC '17 Contest 1 S3 - Crosscountry Canada

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This problem can be reinterpreted as asking for the shortest path on an implicit directed, weighted graph.

Each node in the graph should represent a particular state which you may be in during your trip. This can be described by a pair of integers \{i, t\}, where i is the city you're currently in, and t is the number of minutes which have gone by since your last Tim Horton's visit (or since the start of your trip). In total, there are \mathcal O(NL) nodes.

The edges in this graph should then correspond to valid transitions between such states, of which there are two types. The first type of transition involves stopping at a Tim Horton's. For each node \{i, t\} such that R_i = 1, there exists an edge to node \{i, 0\} with weight T. The second type of transition involves driving along a road. For each road i and value t, there exists an edge from node \{A_i, t\} to node \{B_i, t+C_i\} with weight C_i, as long as t+C_i \le L. There's also a similar edge for taking the road in the opposite direction. In total, there are \mathcal O((N+M) \times L) edges.

With this interpretation, the answer is the length of the shortest path from node \{1, 0\} to any node \{N, t\}. This can be computed using the well-known "Dijkstra's algorithm" in \mathcal O(E \log V) time, where E = (N+M) \times L and V = NL.


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