Editorial for WC '17 Contest 3 S1 - Mutual Friends

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Let F be the number of different possible friendships. There's one for each unordered pair of users, meaning that F=N(N1)2. F is small enough (only 15 when N=6) that it's viable to consider each possible subset of these friendships. There are 2F such subsets, and we can consider all of them using depth-first search (recursion), or by iterating over all bitmasks from 0 to 2F1.

For each considered set of friendships, we can then compute its resulting grid of mutual friend counts by iterating over all O(N2) pairs of users (i,j), and counting the number of other users k such that the set of friendships includes both unordered pairs (i,k) and (j,k). This process takes O(N3) time. If the resulting grid of mutual friend counts exactly matches the required grid M, then we've found a valid set of friendships, meaning that we can output it and stop the depth-first search. If we finish considering all 2F possible sets of friendships without coming across a valid one, then the answer must be Impossible.

The time complexity of the algorithm described above is O(2FN3).


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