Editorial for WC '17 Contest 4 S2 - Strange Travels

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The sanctums and portals form a directed, unweighted graph with N nodes and M edges. For each artifact i, we'll need to compute the shortest distance D1_i from node 1 to node S_i, as well as the shortest distance D2_i from node S_i to node 1. If D1_i or D2_i are infinite for any i (in other words, if no paths exist connecting those nodes), then we should output -1. Otherwise, the answer will be the sum of D1_{1 \dots K} and D2_{1 \dots K}.

Computing all of the shortest distances D1_{1 \dots K} can be done in \mathcal O(N+M) time with a standard application of breadth-first search (BFS), starting from node 1.

However, computing the shortest distances D2_{1 \dots K} may be more problematic. We could initiate a separate breadth-first search starting from each node S_{1 \dots K}, but that approach would be too slow to receive full marks, having a time complexity of \mathcal O(K(N+M)). We can instead imagine an alternate version of the graph in which the directions of all edges are reversed (known as the transpose graph). Performing a single breadth-first search on the transpose graph starting from node 1 can allow us to compute all of the shortest distances D2_{1 \dots K} in just \mathcal O(N+M) time as well.


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