Editorial for WC '17 Contest 4 S3 - Guardians of the Cash

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Let A_{1 \dots N} be the Southern skyline, and B_{1 \dots N} be the Western skyline. Let M_i = \min\{A_i, B_i\}. All 2N-1 stacks in row i and column i must be pruned down to a height of at most M_i. Let's refer to this reduction of stacks as "processing index i". Note that it's not a simple matter of processing each index between 1 and N. When an index is processed, it may affect the heights of stacks in other rows/columns, which may affect other A, B, and M values.

This may suggest the following approach: Process all of the indices, then process them all again, and so on until a full iteration of processing all N indices results in no further changes to the collection of coins. Processing a single index takes \mathcal O(N) time, and it can be shown that this algorithm will terminate within \mathcal O(N) iterations of processing all N indices, resulting in a time complexity of \mathcal O(N^3). Processing the indices in random orders may be tempting, but the time complexity will remain at \mathcal O(N^3), and sufficiently strong test data can be constructed such that the algorithm will require roughly N/2 iterations.

A key observation is that, when an index i is processed, it can only affect the M values of other indices j when M_j > M_i. Furthermore, when such an index j is affected, its M value may be reduced down to M_i, but not lower than that. This suggests that, if we process all N indices in non-decreasing order of M, the M values of already-processed indices will never be affected, and so a single iteration through all N indices will be sufficient.

That being said, it's insufficient to sort all N indices by their initial M values and process them in that static order, as their M values can change during the algorithm, which may change the order in which they should be processed. Therefore, we'll need to dynamically keep track of the A, B, and M values. At each step of the algorithm, we'll choose to process the remaining unprocessed index with the minimum M value (in a fashion reminiscent of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm). While processing an index, we'll then need to update other A, B, and M values more efficiently than iterating over all \mathcal O(N^2) stacks in the grid. Overall, it's possible to implement this approach in time \mathcal O(N^2 \log N), for example by maintaining a set (balanced binary search tree) of pairs \{M_i, i\} as well as a multiset of C values for each row and each column.


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