
Problem Category Points AC % Users
Good Inflation Uncategorized 20 15.1% 39
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Census Uncategorized 5 49.2% 213
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Air Uncategorized 3 29.1% 259
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Puzzle Uncategorized 10 54.1% 353
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Cash Uncategorized 3 28.4% 282
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Suits Uncategorized 3 24.6% 182
Maximum Sum Uncategorized 7 33.4% 789
A Game Uncategorized 10 29.9% 368
Longest Increasing Subsequence Uncategorized 7 29.4% 650
Counting Subsequences Uncategorized 10 21.5% 305
Bulgarian OI '09 P5 - Special Sequence Bulgarian OI 30p 14.0% 27
Bulgarian OI '09 P6 - Diamonds Bulgarian OI 12 22.9% 48
Bulgarian OI '09 P4 - Frogs Bulgarian OI 12p 24.2% 128
Bulgarian OI '09 P1 - Minesweeper Bulgarian OI 10 42.3% 65
Bulgarian OI '09 P2 - Boxen Bulgarian OI 12 41.5% 187
Boxlings Uncategorized 15p 16.9% 43
Union Laser Uncategorized 25p 35.0% 3
Boxdropper Uncategorized 20p 21.8% 19
PEG Test '14 - Water Uncategorized 3 54.6% 870
PEG Test '14 - Air Uncategorized 7 21.1% 48
PEG Test '14 - Spirits Uncategorized 10 10.5% 15
PEG Test '14 - Earth Uncategorized 3 36.3% 307
PEG Test '14 - Balance Uncategorized 5 40.3% 206
PEG Test '14 - Change Uncategorized 7 39.3% 50
PEG Test '14 - Fire Uncategorized 5 36.9% 209
BlueBook - Cross Country BlueBook 3 42.9% 1285
BlueBook - Mode BlueBook 3 32.8% 357
BlueBook - Magic Square BlueBook 3 40.9% 246
BlueBook - Voting BlueBook 3 53.4% 478
BlueBook - Powers of 2 BlueBook 3 36.4% 683
BlueBook - Bills Bills Bills BlueBook 7 13.7% 147
BlueBook - Prime BlueBook 3 32.5% 564
BlueBook - Lower Case BlueBook 3 53.0% 525
BlueBook - Payment BlueBook 3 56.6% 421
BlueBook - World Pop BlueBook 3 28.3% 478
BlueBook - Pop Explosion BlueBook 3 58.2% 419
BlueBook - Cost BlueBook 3 20.5% 690
BlueBook - First Blank BlueBook 3 36.7% 380
BlueBook - 10 Primes on a Line BlueBook 5 26.6% 424
BlueBook - Multiple BlueBook 3 62.7% 1443
BlueBook - Sieve BlueBook 5 59.1% 446
BlueBook - Pay BlueBook 3 20.5% 377
BlueBook - Direction BlueBook 3 40.8% 871
BlueBook - Find the Character BlueBook 3 38.8% 585
BlueBook - Equation BlueBook 3 26.1% 797
BlueBook - Min BlueBook 3 39.6% 704
BlueBook - Calculator BlueBook 7 21.2% 143
BlueBook - Digits and Sums BlueBook 3 54.6% 447
BlueBook - Leap Year BlueBook 3 37.8% 836
BlueBook - Exact Divisors BlueBook 3 64.2% 978