
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P0 - Trivial Math DMOPC Geometry, Simple Math 3 59.0% 627
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P1 - Grade 9 Math DMOPC Geometry, Simple Math 7 10.6% 233
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P2 - Grade 10 Math DMOPC Intermediate Math 7 35.4% 376
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P3 - Grade 11 Math DMOPC Data Structures, Intermediate Math 10p 13.1% 127
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P4 - Grade 12 Math DMOPC Data Structures 15p 23.4% 121
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P5 - University Math DMOPC Data Structures, Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 30p 6.5% 11
DMOPC '19 Contest 6 P6 - Math is Difficult DMOPC Data Structures 25p 16.1% 28
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P0 - Contest Feedback DMOPC Implementation, Simple Math 3 48.7% 395
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P1 - Hydrocarbons DMOPC Graph Theory 7 45.0% 268
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P2 - Dinner Party DMOPC Brute Force, Greedy Algorithms, Simple Math 10 18.6% 145
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P3 - Tree Pruning DMOPC Graph Theory 12p 21.6% 145
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P4 - Bob and Continued Fractions DMOPC Advanced Math 20p 20.9% 110
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P5 - Soriya's Programming Project DMOPC Data Structures, Divide and Conquer 20p 17.8% 124
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P6 - Bob Equilibrium DMOPC Data Structures, Graph Theory 30p 18.5% 54
DMOPC '19 Contest 7 P7 - Fluid Dynamics DMOPC Data Structures, Geometry 35p 15.6% 15
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P1 - Victor Gets Quizzed DMOPC Implementation 3 68.9% 530
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P2 - Victor's Moral Dilemma DMOPC Implementation 5 44.7% 546
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P3 - Victor's Algorithm DMOPC Greedy Algorithms 7p 36.3% 296
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P4 - Victor Makes Bank DMOPC Advanced Math 17p 18.1% 150
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P5 - Victor Takes Over Canada DMOPC Data Structures, Graph Theory 17p 11.9% 104
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P6 - Victor Identifies Software DMOPC Data Structures 25p 16.2% 33
DMOPC '20 Contest 2 P1 - Laugh Graphs DMOPC Implementation 5 32.6% 384
DMOPC '20 Contest 2 P2 - Lousy Christmas Presents DMOPC Greedy Algorithms 5p 25.9% 420
DMOPC '20 Contest 2 P3 - Roadrollification DMOPC Graph Theory 10p 32.3% 124
DMOPC '20 Contest 2 P4 - Hungry Pigeons DMOPC Data Structures 15p 11.0% 66
DMOPC '20 Contest 2 P5 - Majority Subarrays DMOPC Ad Hoc 25p 6.3% 20
DMOPC '20 Contest 2 P6 - Unfair Game DMOPC Dynamic Programming, Game Theory 25p 15.9% 25
DMOPC '20 Contest 3 P1 - Present Checking DMOPC Implementation 5p 50.2% 441
DMOPC '20 Contest 3 P2 - Bob and Parallel-Ks DMOPC Implementation 7p 13.1% 160
DMOPC '20 Contest 3 P3 - A Ring of Buckets DMOPC Ad Hoc, Intermediate Math 12p 6.8% 58
DMOPC '20 Contest 3 P4 - Bob and Typography DMOPC Dynamic Programming 15p 2.5% 9
DMOPC '20 Contest 3 P5 - Tower of Power DMOPC Advanced Math 25p 6.6% 67
DMOPC '20 Contest 4 P1 - Missing Numbers DMOPC Simple Math 5p 14.4% 382
DMOPC '20 Contest 4 P2 - Beautiful Grids DMOPC Implementation 7p 17.3% 154
DMOPC '20 Contest 4 P3 - Roving Roombas DMOPC Data Structures 12p 19.8% 184
DMOPC '20 Contest 4 P4 - Javelin Throwing DMOPC Greedy Algorithms 15p 20.2% 56
DMOPC '20 Contest 4 P5 - Cyclic Cypher DMOPC Ad Hoc 17p 10.1% 32
DMOPC '20 Contest 4 P6 - Petty Children DMOPC Advanced Math, Graph Theory 25p 20.8% 24
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P1 - Home Row DMOPC Ad Hoc 3 35.2% 475
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P2 - On The Clock DMOPC Implementation, Simple Math 7p 18.0% 263
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P3 - Bottom Row DMOPC Ad Hoc, Greedy Algorithms 15p 6.6% 40
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P4 - Slacking Off DMOPC Brute Force, String Algorithms 15p 13.5% 82
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P5 - Slacking Off Again DMOPC Ad Hoc 20p 17.6% 32
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P6 - Top Row DMOPC Data Structures, String Algorithms 35p 3.1% 5
DMOPC '20 Contest 5 P6 - Top Row (Offline Version) DMOPC Data Structures, String Algorithms 30p 22.2% 2
DMOPC '20 Contest 6 P1 - Tug of War DMOPC Data Structures 7p 15.0% 180
DMOPC '20 Contest 6 P2 - Interpretive Art DMOPC Ad Hoc 7p 11.7% 122
DMOPC '20 Contest 6 P3 - Bread Merchant DMOPC Game Theory, Graph Theory 10p 19.2% 124
DMOPC '20 Contest 6 P4 - Land of the Carrot Trees II DMOPC Data Structures, Graph Theory 17p 19.0% 40
DMOPC '20 Contest 6 P5 - Jennifer's Math Mystery DMOPC Ad Hoc, Graph Theory, Interactive, Intermediate Math 17p 12.2% 28