
Problem ▴ Category Points AC % Users
OCC '19 B4 - Bussing Olympiads School 5 22.1% 15
OCC '19 B5 - Gold Olympiads School 7 12.0% 20
OCC '19 B6 - Fiji water Olympiads School 10p 16.5% 19
OCC '19 G1 - Top Coder Olympiads School 10p 34.1% 43
OCC '19 G2 - A Guessing Game Olympiads School 25p 7.3% 6
OCC '19 G3 - Binary Game Olympiads School 25p 14.3% 5
OCC '19 G4 - Willson and Fighting Olympiads School 30p 3.5% 3
OCC '19 G5 - King kobortor's Infrastructure Olympiads School 17p 24.7% 23
OCC '19 G6 - Monkeys in a Tree Olympiads School 30p 10.0% 9
OCC '19 S1 - Floor Planning Uncategorized 3p 32.6% 60
OCC '19 S2 - Rimuru's Number Game Uncategorized 5 27.2% 399
OCC '19 S3 - NAN Language Olympiads School 7p 14.4% 31
OCC '19 S5 - Partitioning Olympiads School 12p 8.2% 12
OCC '19 S6 - City Tolls Olympiads School 17p 26.1% 4
Olympic Scoring Uncategorized 3 13.5% 129
One Small Favour Uncategorized 10p 1.2% 17
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J1 - Math Assistance Uncategorized 3 72.0% 355
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J2 - Wand Selection Uncategorized 3 58.3% 320
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J3 - Explosion Uncategorized 5p 35.7% 248
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J4 - Railgun Uncategorized 7p 23.4% 169
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J5 - Scavenger Hunt Uncategorized 10p 20.3% 70
Overflow Uncategorized 30p 2.4% 7
Palindrome Path Olympiads School 20p 12.8% 9
Palindromic Integer Partition Uncategorized 5p 34.1% 300
Path Finder Uncategorized 10p 15.3% 100
Path Finder 2: Electric Boogaloo Uncategorized 15p 23.0% 26
Peculiar Paints Uncategorized 5 29.3% 21
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Air Uncategorized 3 29.1% 259
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Cash Uncategorized 3 28.4% 282
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Census Uncategorized 5 49.2% 213
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Puzzle Uncategorized 10 54.1% 353
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Suits Uncategorized 3 24.6% 182
PEG Test '14 - Air Uncategorized 7 21.4% 49
PEG Test '14 - Balance Uncategorized 5 40.3% 206
PEG Test '14 - Change Uncategorized 7 39.3% 50
PEG Test '14 - Earth Uncategorized 3 36.3% 307
PEG Test '14 - Fire Uncategorized 5 36.9% 209
PEG Test '14 - Gift Delivery Uncategorized 10 14.1% 12
PEG Test '14 - Spirits Uncategorized 10 10.5% 15
PEG Test '14 - Water Uncategorized 3 54.6% 870
PEG-O-Stripes Uncategorized 15 28.2% 9
Perl Golf Uncategorized 15p 11.3% 41
Permutation Sorting Olympiads School 20p 15.9% 14
Persuasion Uncategorized 12 29.7% 24
Phantom's Python Challenge Uncategorized 40p 0.8% 10
PIB '20 P1 - Marcus and Head Bonks Uncategorized 3p 69.2% 307
PIB '20 P2 - 2 + 2 = 5 Uncategorized 5p 31.9% 100
PIB '20 P3 - Rulebreaker Uncategorized 7p 29.5% 55
PIB '20 P4 - Ninjaclasher the Perfect Man Uncategorized 25p 27.4% 6
PIB '20 P5 - 4D Matrices Uncategorized 10p 39.8% 23