From Codeforces, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, Thornhill S.S.
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import javax.swing.; import java.awt.; import java.awt.event.; public class lianliankan implements ActionListener { JFrame mainFrame; Container thisContainer; JPanel centerPanel,southPanel,northPanel; JButton diamondsButton[][] = new JButton[6][5]; JButton exitButton,resetButton,newlyButton; JLabel fractionLable=new JLabel("0"); JButton firstButton,secondButton; int grid[][] = new int[8][7]; static boolean pressInformation=false; int x0=0,y0=0,x=0,y=0,fristMsg=0,secondMsg=0,validateLV; int i,j,k,n; public void init(){ mainFrame=new JFrame("Daniel LIANLIANKAN"); thisContainer = mainFrame.getContentPane(); thisContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); centerPanel=new JPanel(); southPanel=new JPanel(); northPanel=new JPanel(); thisContainer.add(centerPanel,"Center"); thisContainer.add(southPanel,"South"); thisContainer.add(northPanel,"North"); centerPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,5)); for(int cols = 0;cols < 6;cols++){ for(int rows = 0;rows < 5;rows++ ){ diamondsButton[cols][rows]=new JButton(String.valueOf(grid[cols+1][rows+1])); diamondsButton[cols][rows].addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(diamondsButton[cols][rows]); } } exitButton=new JButton("Quit"); exitButton.addActionListener(this); resetButton=new JButton("reset"); resetButton.addActionListener(this); newlyButton=new JButton("Again"); newlyButton.addActionListener(this); southPanel.add(exitButton); southPanel.add(resetButton); southPanel.add(newlyButton); fractionLable.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fractionLable.getText()))); northPanel.add(fractionLable); mainFrame.setBounds(280,100,500,450); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } public void randomBuild() { int randoms,cols,rows; for(int twins=1;twins<=15;twins++) { randoms=(int)(Math.random()25+1); for(int alike=1;alike<=2;alike++) { cols=(int)(Math.random()6+1); rows=(int)(Math.random()5+1); while(grid[cols][rows]!=0) { cols=(int)(Math.random()6+1); rows=(int)(Math.random()5+1); } this.grid[cols][rows]=randoms; } } } public void fraction(){ fractionLable.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fractionLable.getText())+100)); } public void reload() { int save[] = new int[30]; int n=0,cols,rows; int grid[][]= new int[8][7]; for(int i=0;i<=6;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=5;j++) { if(this.grid[i][j]!=0) { save[n]=this.grid[i][j]; n++; } } } n=n-1; this.grid=grid; while(n>=0) { cols=(int)(Math.random()6+1); rows=(int)(Math.random()5+1); while(grid[cols][rows]!=0) { cols=(int)(Math.random()6+1); rows=(int)(Math.random()5+1); } this.grid[cols][rows]=save[n]; n--; } mainFrame.setVisible(false); pressInformation=false; init(); for(int i = 0;i < 6;i++){ for(int j = 0;j < 5;j++ ){ if(grid[i+1][j+1]==0) diamondsButton[i][j].setVisible(false); } } } public void estimateEven(int placeX,int placeY,JButton bz) { if(pressInformation==false) { x=placeX; y=placeY; secondMsg=grid[x][y]; secondButton=bz; pressInformation=true; } else { x0=x; y0=y; fristMsg=secondMsg; firstButton=secondButton; x=placeX; y=placeY; secondMsg=grid[x][y]; secondButton=bz; if(fristMsg==secondMsg && secondButton!=firstButton){ xiao(); } } } public void xiao() { if((x0==x &&(y0==y+1||y0==y-1)) || ((x0==x+1||x0==x-1)&&(y0==y))){ remove(); } else{ for (j=0;j<7;j++ ) { if (grid[x0][j]==0){ if (y>j) { for (i=y-1;i>=j;i-- ){ if (grid[x][i]!=0) { k=0; break; } else{ k=1; } } if (k==1) { linePassOne(); } } if (y<j){ for (i=y+1;i<=j ;i++ ){ if (grid[x][i]!=0){ k=0; break; } else { k=1; } } if (k==1){ linePassOne(); } } if (y==j ) { linePassOne(); } } if (k==2) { if (x0==x) { remove(); } if (x0<x) { for (n=x0;n<=x-1;n++ ) { if (grid[n][j]!=0) { k=0; break; } if(grid[n][j]==0 && n==x-1) { remove(); } } } if (x0>x) { for (n=x0;n>=x+1 ;n-- ) { if (grid[n][j]!=0) { k=0; break; } if(grid[n][j]==0 && n==x+1) { remove(); } } } } } for (i=0;i<8;i++ ) { if (grid[i][y0]==0) { if (x>i) { for (j=x-1;j>=i ;j-- ) { if (grid[j][y]!=0) { k=0; break; } else { k=1; } } if (k==1) { rowPassOne(); } } if (x<i) { for (j=x+1;j<=i;j++ ) { if (grid[j][y]!=0) { k=0; break; } else { k=1; } } if (k==1) { rowPassOne(); } } if (x==i) { rowPassOne(); } } if (k==2){ if (y0==y) { remove(); } if (y0<y) { for (n=y0;n<=y-1 ;n++ ) { if (grid[i][n]!=0) { k=0; break; } if(grid[i][n]==0 && n==y-1) { remove(); } } } if (y0>y) { for (n=y0;n>=y+1 ;n--) { if (grid[i][n]!=0) { k=0; break; } if(grid[i][n]==0 && n==y+1) { remove(); } } } } } } } public void linePassOne(){ if (y0>j){ for (i=y0-1;i>=j ;i-- ){ if (grid[x0][i]!=0) { k=0; break; } else { k=2; } } } if (y0<j){ for (i=y0+1;i<=j ;i++){ if (grid[x0][i]!=0) { k=0; break; } else{ k=2; } } } } public void rowPassOne(){ if (x0>i) { for (j=x0-1;j>=i ;j-- ) { if (grid[j][y0]!=0) { k=0; break; } else { k=2; } } } if (x0<i) { for (j=x0+1;j<=i ;j++ ) { if (grid[j][y0]!=0) { k=0; break; } else { k=2; } } } } public void remove(){ firstButton.setVisible(false); secondButton.setVisible(false); fraction(); pressInformation=false; k=0; grid[x0][y0]=0; grid[x][y]=0; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==newlyButton){ int grid[][] = new int[8][7]; this.grid = grid; randomBuild(); mainFrame.setVisible(false); pressInformation=false; init(); } if(e.getSource()==exitButton) System.exit(0); if(e.getSource()==resetButton) reload(); for(int cols = 0;cols < 6;cols++){ for(int rows = 0;rows < 5;rows++ ){ if(e.getSource()==diamondsButton[cols][rows]) estimateEven(cols+1,rows+1,diamondsButton[cols][rows]); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { lianliankan llk = new lianliankan(); llk.randomBuild(); llk.init(); } }