From St. Andrew's College, Olympiads School, Codeforces, University of Waterloo
Alex Zhang (it's kinda obvious)
SAC class of 2020
Fellow SAC'ers: JKTroIIer, jamesross2, xjhlg123555, maxcruickshanks, Rayeless, suciluz
2016: started coding!
2017: rekt by this cancer because I'm dumb
3 spots off ECOO R3
2018: rekt by this cancer because robots are suicidal
setup c++
4 spots off ECOO R3
2019: rekt by this cancer because I flexed (and failed) to use segtree when prefix would've worked
5 spots off ECOO R3 (seeing a pattern here?), but caught a glimpse of zxyl :poggies:
started using c++ because I finally saw the light.
joined Olympiads
Made yellow! You could say it was really wac
2020: rekt by this cancer because I double rolling hashed.... with the same mod.
Started some teaching at Triway