947 problems solved
Rank by points: #550
Total points:
8 contests written
Rank by rating: #1418
Rating: 1633
Min. rating: 919
Max rating: 1633
From Olympiads School, Riverdale C.I.
I am an eigth grader in Toronto, Ontario. I am part of Olympiads school, and enjoy programming (obviously)
CCC 2022 Junior: 45
CCC 2023 Junior: 60
CCC 2024 Junior: 71
CCC 2025 Senior: 39
Jan 26, 2025: 400 points!
If dijkstra's doesn't work, there are probably multi-edges
Look at problem constraints! They can tell you how to solve a problem
If the problem says minimize max or maximize min, it is probably binary search.
2646 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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