42 problems solved
Rank by points: #6809
Total points:
3 contests written
Rank by rating: #3369
Rating: 1203
Min. rating: 1139
Max rating: 1203
A problem a day-ish to get better
A short variable name hater (Just name variables so other people know what they mean!)
8/28/24 Starting up!
9/29/24 First 10p question! kevlu8 thx for the help!!
10/6/24 I'm going to convert to c++ (maybe) from java. Java is slow...and a bit annoying
11/18/24 100 points!
problems tally
10 points: 1
7 points: 6
5 points: 11
3 points: 15
1254 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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