76 problems solved
Rank by points: #4330
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9 contests written
Rank by rating: #2691
Rating: 1331
Min. rating: 897
Max rating: 1331
From University of Pinar del Río
DMOJ on my watch, that mean time is DMOJ.
DMOJ on my phone, that mean I talk to the DMOJ.
DMOJ on my chain, that mean the DMOJ hang with me.
DMOJ on my Kool-Aid, that mean my DMOJ sweet.
Tourist: Oh, yeah, G, what the-what is on your, uh, shades for?
hyperpopdaily: Shades, that mean I see the DMOJ, you heard me?
Sharkk + lukelu764 + Yell0 + Glint + daderpperson + kyanl987 + moeez448
0 submissions in the last year
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