From Marc Garneau C.I., Olympiads School, Harvard University
Yes, I do go to Harvard University.
Now that I'm in uni, I'm not grinding DMOJ anymore (no time sadge). But I do log in from time to time to look at interesting problems. Best way to reach me is through the DMOJ discord.
Actual Profile
Notable achievements:
- 1x10pp, 3x12pp, 3x15pp, 3x20pp solved in 48 hours! (12/30/2020)
- Solved my first segtree problem (finally)! (6/22/2022)
- 500pp and top 200 by pp (sometime 2022 I can't remember)
Most recent achievement: top 190 (for like the 10th time), 750 solves (12/6/2023) (retired)
Next achievement: Retired
Good Person
s: d c Riolku Kirito maxcruickshanks tankibuds slightlyskepticalpotat Maillew todaybrian skyflaren dnteu yzhao123 bitternightmares100 Ray_chel71 Tommy_Shan EvilMcKiller Joelfu vishnus noYou
Solve for a high-five:
I got first place on these questions pog: dmopc20c4p1 dmopc20c5p5 joi18scd1p3 cpc21c1p0 coci10c7p3 coci18c5p2 ccoprep5p1 cheerio1s1 coci11c5p3 globexcup18s2 usaco20febs2 bitduplication
Useful links: Java template, ASM template, List of #1 Java subs
Fast Bit Counting is a scam
How on earth is
00000000000011c0 <_Z7setbitsy>:
11c0: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64
11c4: f3 48 0f b8 c7 popcnt %rdi,%rax
11c9: c3 retq
slower than using creating a bitset<64> and then calling its count function
EDIT: It got rejudged and now is correct. But don't forget #pragma GCC target ("arch=znver2")
for extra speed boost (only applicable to DMOJ).