92 problems solved
Rank by points: #3323
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #4502
Rating: 1017
Min. rating: 1017
Max rating: 1017
From Olympiads School, Foxen, WCIPEG Migration, Mahou Shoujou
Hi! I am a newbie!
Discord: idontknow#8950
My DMOJ Userscripts:
Contest Participant Count
This script adds a true participant number to rankings pages.
/* Contest Participant Count by ochen1 update 12.31.2020*/
window.addEventListener('load', function(){
if (/dmoj\.ca\/contest\/.+?\/ranking\/?$/.test(window.location.href) || ((window.location.href.slice(-1) == '/') ? window.location.href.slice(0, -1) : window.location.href).endsWith("dmoj.ca/users")) {
document.querySelector("#content > div.page-title > div > ul > li.tab.active > a").innerHTML += " (" + document.querySelector("tbody").getElementsByTagName("tr").length + ")";
0 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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