
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
CCC '21 J2 - Silent Auction CCC Implementation 3p 50.8% 2871
CCC '21 J3 - Secret Instructions CCC Implementation 5p 36.2% 2625
CCC '21 J4 - Arranging Books CCC Greedy Algorithms 7p 19.7% 1375
CCC '21 S1 - Crazy Fencing CCC Simple Math 5p 47.7% 2610
CCC '21 S2 - Modern Art CCC Implementation 7p 28.9% 2327
CCC '21 S3 - Lunch Concert CCC Data Structures 10p 24.8% 1047
CCC '21 S4 - Daily Commute CCC Graph Theory 12p 26.1% 600
CCC '21 S5 - Math Homework CCC Data Structures, Intermediate Math 15p 24.9% 441
CCC '22 J1 - Cupcake Party CCC Implementation 3 55.6% 3075
CCC '22 J2 - Fergusonball Ratings CCC Implementation 3 47.6% 2806
CCC '22 J3 - Harp Tuning CCC Implementation 5p 33.1% 1566
CCC '22 J5 - Square Pool CCC Brute Force, Implementation 10p 20.4% 497
CCC '22 S1 - Good Fours and Good Fives CCC Implementation, Simple Math 5p 39.3% 2182
CCC '22 S2 - Good Groups CCC Implementation 5p 26.2% 1620
CCC '22 S3 - Good Samples CCC Ad Hoc, Constructive, Greedy Algorithms 10p 18.3% 676
CCC '22 S4 - Good Triplets CCC Ad Hoc, Simple Math 15p 28.4% 324
CCC '22 S5 - Good Influencers CCC Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 17p 32.4% 203
CCC '23 J1 - Deliv-e-droid CCC Simple Math 3p 55.3% 1920
CCC '23 J2 - Chili Peppers CCC Implementation 3p 53.1% 1800
CCC '23 J3 - Special Event CCC Implementation 5p 38.0% 1402
CCC '23 J5 - CCC Word Hunt CCC Implementation 10p 24.1% 560
CCC '23 S1 - Trianglane CCC Simple Math 5p 31.6% 1810
CCC '23 S2 - Symmetric Mountains CCC Implementation 7p 26.8% 860
CCC '23 S3 - Palindromic Poster CCC Ad Hoc, Constructive 10p 15.2% 441
CCC '23 S4 - Minimum Cost Roads CCC Graph Theory 15p 19.4% 275
CCC '23 S5 - The Filter CCC Graph Theory, Intermediate Math 20p 16.5% 93
CCC '24 J1 - Conveyor Belt Sushi CCC Simple Math 3p 71.3% 953
CCC '24 J2 - Dusa And The Yobis CCC Implementation, Simple Math 3p 59.6% 757
CCC '24 J3 - Bronze Count CCC Implementation, Simple Math 5p 42.2% 692
CCC '24 J4 - Troublesome Keys CCC Implementation 5p 19.2% 394
CCC '24 J5 - Harvest Waterloo CCC Graph Theory, Simple Math 7p 35.8% 429
CCC '24 S1 - Hat Circle CCC Implementation 3p 67.0% 681
CCC '24 S2 - Heavy-Light Composition CCC Implementation 5p 52.0% 614
CCC '24 S3 - Swipe CCC Ad Hoc 10p 17.1% 224
CCC '24 S4 - Painting Roads CCC Graph Theory 12p 33.9% 204
CCC '24 S5 - Chocolate Bar Partition CCC Dynamic Programming 20p 10.1% 27
CCC '96 S1 - Deficient, Perfect, and Abundant CCC Simple Math 5 32.4% 1928
CCC '96 S2 - Divisibility by 11 CCC Intermediate Math 7 6.9% 194
CCC '96 S3 - Pattern Generator CCC Recursion 5 11.2% 375
CCC '96 S4 - When in Rome CCC String Algorithms 10 33.0% 578
CCC '96 S5 - Maximum Distance CCC Intermediate Math 7 25.4% 429
CCC '97 S1 - Sentences CCC Implementation 5 29.7% 1045
CCC '97 S2 - Nasty Numbers CCC Simple Math 5 46.3% 811
CCC '97 S3 - Double Knockout Competition CCC Simple Math, Simulation 5 10.8% 182
CCC '97 S4 - Dynamic Dictionary Coding CCC String Algorithms 5 11.9% 231
CCC '97 S5 - Long Division CCC Intermediate Math, String Algorithms 10 10.5% 71
CCC '98 S1 - Censor CCC Regular Expressions, String Algorithms 5 37.7% 1511
CCC '98 S2 - Cross Number Puzzle CCC Simple Math 5 43.1% 506
CCC '98 S3 - Mars Rover CCC Simulation 7p 16.7% 166
CCC '98 S4 - Lottery CCC Recursion, String Algorithms 10 9.8% 97