
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
ACM U of T Tryouts C3 E - A Brief Expedition ICPC Graph Theory 10 34.6% 70
ACM U of T Tryouts C3 F - A Pleasant Stroll ICPC Dynamic Programming 15 17.2% 29
ACM U of T Tryouts C3 G - Office Mates ICPC Graph Theory 15 21.3% 34
A Coin Problem Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 12p 19.0% 301
A Combining Problem Uncategorized Data Structures 20 14.8% 19
ACSL '09 Practice P1 - Kansas Uncategorized Uncategorized 7 12.5% 67
ACSL '09 Practice P2 - Cars Uncategorized Simulation 10p 18.9% 36
ACSL '09 Practice P3 - Zeroes Uncategorized Simple Math 10 21.5% 130
ACSL '09 Practice P4 - Rank Uncategorized Graph Theory 7 46.7% 950
ACSL '09 Practice P5 - Fax Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 12p 26.7% 19
ACSL '09 Practice P6 - Expression Uncategorized Implementation, String Algorithms 10p 11.2% 28
ACSL '09 Practice P7 - Cube Uncategorized Uncategorized 15 16.1% 27
ACSL '09 Contest 1 Senior - Bridge Uncategorized Implementation 10p 24.5% 17
ACSL '09 Contest 3 Senior - Pinochle Uncategorized Implementation 10p 33.9% 3
A Digit Problem Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 12p 30.0% 65
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P1 - Sample Case Uncategorized Implementation 0 56.0% 231
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P2 - Sample Case Uncategorized Implementation 0 24.5% 153
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P3 - Author Uncategorized Implementation 0 48.2% 191
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P4 - Choosing Choosily Uncategorized Implementation 0p 44.0% 212
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P5 - Definition Uncategorized Implementation 0 40.8% 185
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P6 - April Fools' Day (BOJ Edition) Uncategorized Implementation 0 3.0% 145
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P7 - Half-Plane Intersection Uncategorized Implementation 0 3.3% 71
April Fools' Day Contest 1 P8 - NP-Hard Uncategorized Implementation 0 5.7% 25
A Harder Game Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 15p 8.5% 31
Alawn's Problem Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 7 36.8% 29
Sum of Primes 2 Uncategorized Implementation 5p 21.1% 347
A Long Problem Uncategorized Implementation 0p 57.4% 45
Alphabet Score Uncategorized Implementation 3p 48.7% 316
Adaptive Mechanized Calcium Chlorohypochlorite Uncategorized Advanced Math 25 15.5% 11
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Problem 1 - Company Values Uncategorized Uncategorized 0p 30.7% 50
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Problem 2 - Gigatron Lag Uncategorized Data Structures 3p 28.4% 45
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Problem 3 - Dedupe Uncategorized Data Structures 5p 45.2% 50
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Problem 4 - Frequency Queries Uncategorized Data Structures 7p 16.3% 18
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Problem 5 - Partition Assignment Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 7p 22.5% 19
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Problem 6 - Journeys Uncategorized Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 10p 26.4% 12
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Practice Problem 1 - Gigatron EPS Modulo 998244353 Uncategorized Simple Math 3p 59.6% 52
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Practice Problem 2 - Go Amplitude! Uncategorized Simple Math 5p 11.7% 25
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Practice Problem 3 - Demo Day Demos Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 5p 30.2% 29
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Practice Problem 4 - Gigatron Autoscaling Uncategorized Simple Math 3p 56.4% 41
Amplitude Hackathon '23 Practice Problem 5 - What is Spenser's Last Name? Uncategorized Implementation 0p 33.3% 32
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Problem 1 - Is Jeffrey in the Office? Uncategorized Uncategorized 3p 65.2% 75
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Problem 2 - Feature Requests Uncategorized Implementation 3p 32.6% 40
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Problem 3 - Mike's Unlocked Laptop Uncategorized Implementation 5p 16.0% 27
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Problem 4 - Spenser's Big Announcement Uncategorized Implementation 5p 13.6% 18
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Problem 5 - Lunch Costs Uncategorized Simple Math 5p 24.5% 18
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Problem 6 - Kurt's Coffee Cabal Uncategorized Implementation 7p 20.0% 14
Amplitude Hackathon Summer '24 Practice Problem 1 - Jeffrey's Favorite Integer Uncategorized Implementation 3p 21.6% 23
Troubling Times Uncategorized Intermediate Math 5p 33.1% 547
And Password Uncategorized Ad Hoc 20p 13.4% 8
Andrew Needs Help Uncategorized Intermediate Math 12p 29.4% 37