
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
HCI '16 - Danger Room Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 7p 16.3% 25
HCI '16 - Foodie Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 7p 31.7% 62
HCI '16 - Gifts Uncategorized Data Structures 17p 33.3% 10
HCI '16 - Hearing Uncategorized Dynamic Programming, String Algorithms 15p 18.8% 6
HCI '16 - HelloWorld_ex Uncategorized Ad Hoc 0p 47.2% 313
HCI '16 - Jumping Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 20 13.2% 83
HCI '16 - Lamppost Uncategorized Data Structures 5p 29.1% 108
HCI '16 - lvm_ex Uncategorized Implementation, Simulation 10p 10.4% 6
HCI '16 - Moana Uncategorized Graph Theory 15p 0.0% 0
HCI '16 - Oversleep Uncategorized Graph Theory 7p 45.3% 541
HCI '16 - Penguin Food Uncategorized Data Structures 15p 22.7% 43
HCI '16 - Pi Digits Uncategorized Ad Hoc 30 0.2% 1
HCI '16 - Poké Problem Uncategorized Implementation 7 57.5% 19
HCI '16 - Cheapest Operation Ever Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 20p 28.6% 206
HCI '16 - Redstone Repeaters Uncategorized Graph Theory 10p 2.2% 9
HCI '16 - Sentence Checker Uncategorized Implementation 3p 22.9% 114
HCI '16 - Stacker Uncategorized Data Structures 15p 14.7% 31
HCI '16 - Taxi Uncategorized Graph Theory 10p 24.2% 46
HCI '16 - Totient Uncategorized Intermediate Math 12p 27.1% 19
HCI '16 - Unexpected Factorial Uncategorized Ad Hoc, Simple Math 5p 28.3% 85
HCI '16 - Ulam Spiral Uncategorized Implementation 5p 17.6% 37
HCI '16 - Wizardry Uncategorized Graph Theory 7 5.2% 19
HCI '16 - Xorpow Uncategorized Data Structures, Intermediate Math 10p 23.8% 78
The Heist Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 10p 24.5% 21
Hello, World! Uncategorized Implementation 3 56.3% 12518
Hello, World! (Hard) Uncategorized Implementation 0 6.4% 606
HHPC1 P1 - Yielding the Longest Substring Uncategorized Implementation 5 22.6% 222
HHPC1 P2 - Yuniformity Challenge Uncategorized Implementation 10p 12.9% 126
HHPC1 P3 - Yonder Ridge Uncategorized Data Structures, Geometry 12p 11.3% 31
HHPC1 P4 - Yet Another A+B Problem Uncategorized Intermediate Math 10p 12.0% 111
HHPC1 P5 - Yunity Grouping Objects Uncategorized Graph Theory 17p 34.1% 13
HHPC1 P6 - Yarn Street's Strategic Shopping Uncategorized Data Structures, Implementation 20p 8.4% 5
CCCHK '08 J1 - Best fish CCC Implementation 3 38.4% 837
CCCHK '08 J2 - Lucky Number CCC Implementation 3 26.3% 882
CCCHK '08 J3 - Phone book CCC Implementation 5p 35.0% 652
CCCHK '08 J4 - Tic-tac-toe CCC Implementation 5p 11.2% 111
CCCHK '15 J1 - Rock-paper-scissors CCC Implementation 3 51.7% 871
CCCHK '15 J2 - What is the minimum area? CCC Implementation 5 35.9% 275
CCCHK '15 J3 - Queens can't attack me! CCC Implementation 5 50.8% 637
CCCHK '15 J4 - Where to build my house? CCC Implementation 5 18.1% 279
CCCHK '15 J5 - No friends in the same group. CCC Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 15p 9.7% 33
CCCHK '15 S1 - Finding number of pairs CCC Implementation 7p 14.0% 151
CCCHK '15 S2 - Matching Problem CCC Implementation, Simple Math 10p 5.3% 20
CCCHK '15 S3 - Symmetric Cross CCC Implementation, String Algorithms 12p 16.9% 23
CCCHK '15 S4 - When to meet? CCC Graph Theory, Greedy Algorithms 15p 21.7% 10
CCCHK '15 S5 - Can I pass the courses? CCC Data Structures, Geometry 25p 4.9% 6
HopScotch II Classics Data Structures, Dynamic Programming 12p 24.0% 180
Hungry Uncategorized Implementation 5p 43.9% 113
The Hu Tao Fractal Uncategorized Implementation, Recursion 7p 23.4% 11
Icebergs Uncategorized Graph Theory 12p 19.8% 49