
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
Bob and Special Mud Uncategorized Graph Theory 12 0.9% 3
Special Relativity Uncategorized Implementation, Simple Math 10p 8.0% 25
Bane of Arthropods Uncategorized Data Structures 20p 62.5% 2
Coding Spree Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 7p 41.3% 508
Secret Santa Uncategorized Brute Force, Recursion 15 13.1% 21
Single Source Shortest Path Classics Graph Theory 7 41.8% 1160
The DMOJ Driveway Uncategorized Data Structures, Implementation 5 29.3% 305
STNBD P1 - Ren Ashbell Uncategorized Implementation 3p 29.3% 966
STNBD P2 - Claire Elstein Uncategorized Dynamic Programming 12p 22.6% 243
STNBD P3 - Rinslet Laurenfrost Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 5p 29.5% 136
STNBD P4 - Ellis Fahrengart Uncategorized Data Structures 17p 15.4% 138
STNBD P5 - Fianna Ray Ordesia Uncategorized Geometry 10p 12.3% 27
STNBD P6 - Terminus Est Uncategorized Advanced Math, Graph Theory 35p 12.1% 57
Segment Tree Practice 1 Uncategorized Data Structures 12 31.7% 71
Segment Tree Practice 2 Uncategorized Data Structures 12 41.2% 45
Segment Tree Practice 3 Uncategorized Data Structures 15 50.4% 39
Segment Tree Practice 4 Uncategorized Data Structures 17 38.0% 29
Strategic Arrays Uncategorized Advanced Math 15p 32.4% 95
Spy Tree Uncategorized Graph Theory 15p 19.4% 20
Cute String Merging Uncategorized Ad Hoc 15p 34.6% 30
A Subarray Problem Uncategorized Implementation 7 40.0% 113
Substring Scoring Uncategorized String Algorithms 20p 19.1% 13
Subarray Search Uncategorized Implementation 7 24.8% 33
Subway Routes Uncategorized Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 12p 48.9% 130
Sudoku Challenge Uncategorized Recursion 7p 15.1% 69
Sum Maximization Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 10p 23.0% 49
Homie from Suomi Uncategorized Implementation 5 54.8% 17
Line Sweep Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 25 9.8% 29
ICPC SWERC 2017 A - Cakey McCakeFace ICPC Implementation 5 34.7% 15
ICPC SWERC 2017 B - Table ICPC Data Structures 20 50.0% 4
ICPC SWERC 2017 C - Macarons ICPC Advanced Math 17 28.6% 2
ICPC SWERC 2017 D - Candy Chain ICPC Dynamic Programming 15 28.1% 18
ICPC SWERC 2017 E - Ingredients ICPC Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 15 18.0% 3
ICPC SWERC 2017 F - Shattered Cake ICPC Simple Math 3 67.6% 58
ICPC SWERC 2017 G - Cordon Bleu ICPC Graph Theory 17 47.6% 6
ICPC SWERC 2017 H - Kabobs ICPC Simulation 35 27.3% 3
ICPC SWERC 2017 I - Burglary ICPC Dynamic Programming 20 43.2% 3
ICPC SWERC 2017 J - Frosting on the Cake ICPC Intermediate Math 7 44.2% 18
ICPC SWERC 2017 K - Blowing Candles ICPC Geometry 15 14.0% 6
System Solver Uncategorized Advanced Math 15 10.1% 35
T-800's Escape Uncategorized Graph Theory, Implementation 10 17.2% 37
Tall Uncategorized Divide and Conquer 15p 12.4% 18
TC Uncategorized Data Structures 15p 11.1% 34
Triway Cup '18 Summer A - Arranged Marriage Seasonal Simple Math 7 9.6% 54
Triway Cup '18 Summer B - Beautiful Water Pearl Seasonal Simple Math 7 25.4% 208
Triway Cup '18 Summer D - Demon Slayer Seasonal Data Structures 20 21.5% 15
Triway Cup '18 Summer E - Eyes of Void Seasonal Geometry 7 41.0% 47
Triway Cup '18 Summer F - Forget Me Not Seasonal Implementation 5 24.8% 158
Triway Cup '18 Summer G - Gu of Love Seasonal Dynamic Programming 20 22.6% 6
Triway Cup '18 Summer H - Heavy Souls Seasonal Dynamic Programming 15 29.9% 25