266 problems solved
Rank by points: #1752
Total points:
4 contests written
Rank by rating: #5285
Rating: 931
Min. rating: 748
Max rating: 931
From St. Edmund Campion C.S.S., Olympiads School, University of Waterloo
I am a twelve-year-old who studies at Sir John A Macdonald P.S, Grade 7. I started coding about 1 1/2 months ago. My mentor is piddddgy.
Main: Python 3
Major Programming Life Events
- Saw a flyer for a robotics workshop and joined it. There, a person known as Aditya Sir. introduced me to robots & Scratch
- Did Scratch for a couple of years there (in India)
- Moved to Canada, still continued doing Scratch
- At the school called Ray Lawson P.S saw a person carrying an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript book.
- Subsequently (in reference to the previous event), got jealous and started to learn Web Development (Front-End)
- Saw this Python script, tried to understand it and started learning Python.
- For one year or so continued doing Python and Web-Development >3 un-seriously.
- Met a guy named Marcus Chong (piddddgy) who finally introduced me to competitive-programming (DM::OJ).
- Became absolutely serious about programming.
and so that's basically where my story rests right now.
Profiles and stuff
- StackOverflow 1
- StackOverflow 2 :P
- I have many other profiles I'm not going to mention; you can just find all of them by searching Arihan10 except my repl.it profile.
All of my submissions can be found here.
- Note: Any repl solution that has another copy ending with a -<number> means that the solution(s) is/are still a work in progress.
Fun facts about me
- I once got banned on Slack
- I suck at time complexity and Big O Notation
- I once thought I was really good at programming (well, that didn't end very well :P)
- Every single profile I've ever had is called Arihan10 (except my repl.it profile; I had initially created it as a joke but then stuck to it)
People I like to stalk
These are some of the people I stalk (and will continue to stalk):
piddddgy NNNNNOOO d Rimuru Audax AQT Bobliu
Overrated Problems
- Maximum Distance - this problem can be easily brute forced. Ironically, though, I get WA on this :(
- Too Simple - this can be done in 2 lines with C++ :P
0 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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