From Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S., Olympiads School, University of Waterloo
UW CS '27
road to yellow starts now
Waterloo: kevinyangDan13llljwsAlanLhewmatt10AndycipationmaxcruickshanksShinichicrackersamdjam
----------------------------------------------------------------------- HS stuff below
I am certified LCT chad (orz vpro8725) and guessing god
Certified Penetration Tester :p
c d q :moyai:
Teacher: bruce
Rival: Dan13llljws (too smart reeeee)
Riolku is too smart for me :notlikeblob:
Shinichi is bb :blobheart:
pewpew stop running with scissors smh
chloelee <3
orz __
vpro8725 LCT CHAD + super cool
orz TRS too smart and humble (imagine being math and cp chad)
Hubie is kool
stanleyjzheng orz kaggle god
Darcy_Liu is retired chad
EmeraldEntities sempai how do i be kool
v341196137 friend > kouhai <3
Aaeria :blobcreep:
crackersamdjam >:L noyu
Big brain ppl: d, nathanl3, Larry, Tzak, magicalsoup, Aaeria, crackersamdjam, richardzhang, AQT, Plasmatic, Zeyu, 4fecta, Dan13llljws, , piddddgy, Hubie, tankibuds, todaybrian, p1geon, hewmatt10, vpro8725, avis, skyflaren
Awesum Skool Ppl: albertlai431, xiestar, pun_sama, Xiao, Ryan, Benny, Yunuen, trollakatroll, Jerryxing
Other Cool ppl: doruuu, owenzhu2012, AlanL, PeterWang, ACCount_Nine38, kugelblitz, Flix360, TheCool1James, Averesoft, LawlBot, falcon1123, EmeraldEntities, candicezzzzz, beepboop271, trinity, itslinotlie, RAiNcalleER, jerrych2006
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I tested a contest (thanks Aaeria) and was a problem writer (brief stint)!
Difficult problems: Friend, Hunting The White Whale, Signaling, Akvizna
Memes: 2fecta, Darcy___Liu, tzak_el, AlanLi, CopyPastePolice, verybadallen, hewmatt100