From Carnegie Mellon University, University of Toronto Schools, Olympiads School, Codeforces
Codeforces: (GM)
My problem Guessing Game was featured on EGOI 2023 as the hardest problem in the set!
Highlights of my problemsetting career:
- Guessing Game (50pp)
- Ace of Diamonds (20pp)
- Sketchy Cereal (30pp)
- King's Commands (35pp)
- Terra Mater (25pp)
- Linear Swap (30pp)
- Mystery DAG (12pp)
- Folding Clothes (7pp)
Here is a list of all my problems from easiest to hardest! Feel free to give them a try:
- Home Row (3pp)
- Bigger Big Integer (3pp)
- Japaneasy (5pp)
- Missing Numbers/欠番 (5pp)
- Up-down Sequence (5pp)
- Flip the Switches (5pp)
- DMOPC Crisis (5pp)
- Partial Game (5pp)
- COVID Party (5pp)
- Tree Shopping (7pp)
- String Puzzle (7pp)
- Gacha Luck (7pp)
- Tug of War (7pp)
- Big Deposits (7pp)
- Bob and Balance/ボブとバランス (7pp)
- Folding Clothes (7pp)
- Interpretive Art (7pp)
- Prime Array (10pp)
- Attraction (10pp)
- Vending Machine (10pp)
- The Heist (10pp)
- 2-D Permutations (10pp)
- Castle Invasion (10pp)
- Path Finder (10pp)
- Bruce String (12pp)
- Floor is Lava (12pp)
- Terrible Trains (12pp)
- Mystery DAG (12pp)
- Casino Crisis (12pp)
- Permutations & Primes (12pp)
- Divisions (12pp)
- Hopping Frogs (15pp)
- Lucky Graph (15pp)
- Longest Balanced Subsequence (15pp)
- Path Finder 2: Electric Boogaloo (15pp)
- Maximum Independent Subset (15pp)
- Bottom Row (15pp)
- To-Do List (17pp)
- Wandering Walk (17pp)
- Road Redirection (17pp)
- Magic Maze (17pp)
- Anki Reviews (17pp)
- Real Mountains (17pp)
- Christmas Graph (17pp)
- Jennifer's Math Mystery (17pp)
- Rocket Race (17pp)
- Cyclic Cypher (17pp)
- Threes and Twos (20pp)
- Ace of Diamonds (20pp)
- Sorting Subsequences (20pp)
- Uneven Forest (20pp)
- Senpai and Art/センパイと美術 (20pp)
- Division Queries and Updates (20pp)
- Crowded Travels (20pp)
- Temple Construction (20pp)
- Twos and Threes (25pp)
- Perfect Matching (25pp)
- Compressibility (25pp)
- Permutations (25pp)
- Contraband Game (25pp)
- Terra Mater (25pp)
- Tree Jumping (25pp)
- Perfect Cross (25pp)
- Sketchy Cereal (30pp)
- Beautiful Bins (30pp)
- Permutations & Primes (30pp)
- Linear Swap (30pp)
- April Fools (30pp)
- Top Row (Offline Version) (30pp)
- Top Row (35pp)
- King's Commands (35pp)
- Permutations & Primes (Hard Version) (40pp)
- Guessing Game (50pp)
July 21: 300pts
August 7: First 25 pointer
August 13: Top 200
August 20: First 40 pointer
August 21: 300 problems solved
September 9: Got purple
October 3: 400 problems solved
October 7: 500pts
October 12: Top 100
November 21: Ten 25 pointers
November 25: 500 problems solved
December 19: Got yellow
February 11: 600 problems solved
February 12: Failed to make CCO (52) due to my weak hashing skills
February 25: Invited to the 2020 CMO :D
March 15: Top 50
March 15: First 50 pointer
May 17: Master on Codeforces
May 23: 700 problems solved
September 8: Finally AK'd a Div. 2 in contest (Round #669 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
December 2: 800 problems solved
December 7: Finally got red on DMOJ
December 28: 4 Master Codeforces accounts (time to start doing Div. 1s)
February 17: 75/75 on the CCC Senior :333
March 1: Invited to the 2021 CMO :D
March 11: Invited to the 2021 CCO :D
April 8: 900 problems solved
April 23: Yay got International Master on Codeforces
May 2: Second International Master account lol
May 16: CCO 2021 Silver Medal (0 full solves but we take these :P)
June 13: Third and main Codeforces account in International Master
June 21: 700pts
June 21: Finished setting a total of 10 problems for the DMOPC series
June 25: Finally got Grandmaster on Codeforces! Main account next 👀
August 16: Lost DMOJ red to rating rework (back to grinding for DMOJ rating I guess)
August 28: AK'd first rated DMOJ contest (still 10 more to GM though D:)
September 7: 1000 problems solved
December 11: Accepted into Carnegie Mellon University!
December 28: Back to red on DMOJ (AK'd second rated DMOJ contest)
January 29: AK'd COCI 2021 Contest 4 (first place)
February 12: Second and main Codeforces account in Grandmaster
February 15: Set a total of 50 problems
February 16: 75/75 on the CCC Senior again :D
February 22: 1100 problems solved
February 28: Invited to the 2022 CMO :D
March 16: Invited to the 2022 CCO :D
May 28: CCO 2022 Gold Medal (positive number of full solves this time)
May 28: Selected to represent Team Canada at IOI 2022!
July 12: 1200 problems solved
August 14: IOI 2022 Bronze Medal (1.66 points away from silver ;-;)
September 30: Third Codeforces account in Grandmaster (grind for IGM begins??)
October 4: Set a total of 60 problems
February 25: Placed 4th at ECNA 2023, advancing to NAC 2023 🚱
May 29: Placed 2nd at NAC 2023, advancing to ICPC World Finals 2023! 🥈
July 19: Authored the hardest problem on EGOI 2023
December 5: Set a total of 70 problems
Flex Zone:
Set first DMOPC with no AKs since 2018 :O
B < C > D
Youngest CMO 2020 at UTS lmao (2019 goes to yanda orz)
Youngest <-- yote CMO 2021 at UTS again lmao (2019 still goes to yanda orz)
Youngest CCO 2021 at UTS lmao (2019 goes to Dormi orz)
Join the Axis Order!
"profunfunfunf?" - Dormi sensei
"Don't mind me, I'm crazy." - Dormi sensei
"You need not to hold yourself back! Drink when you want, and eat when you want! Because you won't know if you'll be able to eat that again tomorrow!" - Aqua-sama
"Damn Konosuba had to end like that :(" - 4fecta
A list:
potop crackersamdjam Plasmatic ChrisT zxyl AQT Swarley tankibuds