294 problems solved
Rank by points: #1114
Total points:
10 contests written
Rank by rating: #2093
Rating: 1453
Min. rating: 1007
Max rating: 1453
From Westmount C.I., McGill University, WCIPEG Migration
I use C++ 17, Java 11, Python 3
Have a competitive programming Discord server? Add this bot
2017-07-19: Started doing CS on WCIPEG
2018-04-08: Started doing CS on DMOJ
2019-09-03: Amateur Rating
2019-11-02: 150 problems solved
2019-12-03: Expert Rating
2019-12-06: Top 500 in points
2019-12-18: 200 problems solved
2020-01-11: Ranked 420 in points lol
2020-01-12: Top 400 in points
2020-01-19: 250 problems solved
2020-05-18: 300 problems solved
Heya it's me but elsewhere
GitHub: kevinjycui
WCIPEG: kevincui1230
Shhh don't mind me
DMOJ Bot Token: yh2/qdU+dnFKAK19ARWuPA7pBzjTatKK3vDapHcsXog=
Practice Bot Token: 854b7e8e54e263f20ec8f0d2c7211965b975f088d01a81eefd367b502cc9a84c
0 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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