287 problems solved
Rank by points: #1354
Total points:
20 contests written
Rank by rating: #1289
Rating: 1682
Min. rating: 1086
Max rating: 1682
From St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S., University of Toronto
2023 was a bad year. I should get Josh to make another YAC.
Competitive programming is a hobby of mine. I am not going into CS/SE, but solving problems is fun sometimes. My favourite problem is probably a hot take.
"orz" is overused
dawangk is pretty good though, so is Lost. htoshiro will probably get as good as them in a couple years.
Overrated problem:
- ccc13s5:
→ / (?) (if Joelfu is recommending a non-graph 15p talking about it being guessable, it has no business being 15p)
To do later:
- dmopc17c3p3
- DSU: liars (hard)
- May or may not be MST: mec16p4, ccc17s4, noi14p2, ccc18s5
- (supposedly) Dijkstra: lkp18c1p4, ccc15s4 (looking for more I can actually do)
- Dijkstra (kind of): sac22cc4jp5
- ioi18p1
"definitely a pretty good tester" -Josh
74 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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