From Christ Church Grammar School, CCCGSH Informatics
Student at CCGS
Friends with dchoo333 and FrozenFlame45
dchoo333 and FrozenFlame45 goes to the same school as me!
Sat first contest(CPC contest 2021)!
101 points at 1:01 pm on 2/9/21
DMOJ Advice:
- Sit rated contests to up your rating
- Do the 1 point problems first and work your way up. If you do Rubix cube solver as your first problem, you will have some hard times ahead on DMOJ.
- Have fun!
Thank you for help in any way:
Jan, dchoo333, justin_g_20, awu1 and CarlosJin
Respected Users:
zhouzixiang2004, dchoo333, Jan, justin_g_20, Josh, awu1, BalintR and CarlosJin
Unofficial hints for problems:
This can be done using while loops.
This is a lesson: Use while loops more
Use for loops to track through the answers and the submissions a use a counter for the right answers. I literally gave the solution away...
This is a lesson: Loops are important
What you first think is right. The single easiest 7 pointer you will ever do...
This problem is just for the memes...
Check the number of test cases.
Rating Goals:
- [X] Thin Name (No Rating!!!)
- [X] Newbie:Grey Name
- Amateur:Green Name
- Expert:Blue Name
- Candidate Master:Purple Name
- Master:Yellow Name
- Grandmaster:Red Name
- Target:Also Red Name
Weighted Points Goals:
- [X] Get 1 point
- [X] Get 50 points
- [X] Get 100 points
- [X] Get 200 points
- Get 300 points
- Get 400 points
- Get 500 points
- Get 600 points
- Get 700 points
- Get 800 points
- Get 900 points
- Get 1000 points (and beat BalintR as of 7:22pm on the 28/11/2023)
Problems Solved Goals:
- [X] Solve 1 problem
- [X] Solve 50 problems
- [X] Solve 100 problems
- [X] Solve 200 problems
- [X] Solve 300 problems
- Solve 400 problems
- Solve 500 problems
- Solve 600 problems
- Solve 700 problems
- Solve 800 problems
- Solve 900 problems
Problem Goals:
- Solve Rubik's Cube Solver in any amount of time
- Solve Loop Town