442 problems solved
Rank by points: #796
Total points:
6 contests written
Rank by rating: #4098
Rating: 1038
Min. rating: 821
Max rating: 1038
From Christ Church Grammar School
Why are you even looking here lol
Trying to get problemsetter permissions...
Small Flexes
First user to solve GCJ16R1AB in Python, 4th user to solve it
First user to solve Waterloo '08 Spring E - Balance, apparently (I don't know why xuxiaogengxu's solutions are not counted...) - Check Unofficial_Hints_For_Problems to see the formula which I used to solve it.
First Problems
0 points: Obligatory Wood IV Problem
3 points: Alpaca Shapes
5 points: Farmer Bob
7 points: Diverse Arrays
10 points: Lucas' Other Tower
12 points: A Plus B (Hard)
15 points: Self-Deception
17 points: Fibonacci Sequence (Harder)
20 points: Circle of Life
Rating history
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