From University of Waterloo, William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., Olympiads School, WCIPEG Migration
Evan Zhang
University of Waterloo - Software Engineering Class of 2025
William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. Class of 2020
Retired (part 3)
Retired (part 2)
no longer self proclaimed ss__jonathan's boyfriend :blobcry:
self proclaimed Rimuru's boyfriend :roodab:
Don't want to accidentally pull a wleung_bvg (part 2)? Add this code to your user script:
let cb = function(ev) {
if (prompt("Please type in 'I AM NOT A MONKEY'") == "I AM NOT A MONKEY") {
$(':input[value="Join contest"]').closest('form').click(cb);
Don't want to accidentally pull a wleung_bvg? Add this code to your user script:
$(function() {
$(':input[value="Join contest"]').closest('form').remove();
piddddgy's hugs are :poggers:.
I have decided competitive programming is not my thing anymore. The constant grinding and general competitiveness is not something I signed myself up for. This account will only be used for Olympiads School homework from now on.
Thanks to insignificant for introducing and helping me get decent at programming, and good luck to him at CCO 2019!
Update: even though I did end up barely making CCO, I'm not going to unretire.
Also retired from DMOJ PRs.
My greatest achievement in life is hacking bruce's solution to Hotline three times. (Sorry, bruce!).
Rare piece of code found in zxyl's solution to Hotline after I hacked his original solution.
inline string fuckninjaclasher(){
return endl;
EvanZhang, Love_Me_Sempai_EvanZhang, ninjaclasher_fan_club, NinjacIasher, Ninjaclashette, inline_string_fuckninjaclasher, NlNJACLASHER, evanzhang101
Selling this account for 5 kneecaps.
Edit: price has been increased to 15 kneecaps.
Edit 2: price has been increased to 30 kneecaps as of 3/29/2019.
- Anger gives motivation without purpose.
- Form before strength.
- The focused mind can pierce through stone.
- Do not let your pride blind you.
- Doubt is the greatest enemy.
- A true master is an eternal student.
Left lvl 6 at Olympiads.
Joined lvl 6 (finally) :hudab:
Finally joined Olympiads level 5. Still not as good as richardyi25 though... (My CCO score was all luck.)
Unusually Bad Comment (not on d's profile)
If you can find all of my alts, you are a god (contact me on slack @Ninjaclasher
if you find all of them and there will be a prize :gnad:) <-- Definitely not a hint.
%:include <stdio.h>
??=define putz(x) puts(%:x)
int main()
~O(\sqrt[x]{N}) = O(N^{\frac{1}{x}}) = O(e^{\frac{ln(N)}{x}})~
~Proof\ that\ 1 = 0.\overline{9}~:
~1 = 9 \times 0.\overline{1}~
~0.\overline{1} = \frac{1}{9}~
~1 = 9 \times \frac{1}{9}~
~1 = 1~
Useful Links:
Todo List:
- Rotations in 3 Dimensions
- MNYC '17: Skiing Competition
- A Plus B (It's too hard....)
- ICPC NAQ 2016 E - Dots and Boxes
- Dynamic MST
Overrated Problems:
- Terminus Est (50 -> 40)
- CCO '18 P5 - Boring Lectures (Online Version) (40 -> 30)
- CCO '18 P5 - Boring Lectures (30 -> 25) (literally 2 segment trees)
- CCO '16 P3 - Legends (30 -> 25)
- CCO '11 P6 - Biggest (Zero Carbon) Footprint (25 -> 20)
- CCO Preparation Test 1 - K-th Rank Student (25 -> 20)
- DMPG '15 G4 - Spacetime Convergence Cannons (20 -> 17)
- The Torture Chamber (20 -> 15)
- DMOPC '14 Contest 5 P6 - Save Nagato! (20 -> 15)
- Inaho (20 -> 15)
- APIO '15 P2 - Jakarta Skyscrapers (20 -> 15)
- Stalactites (17 -> 15)
- IOI '01 P1 - Mobile Phones (15 -> 12)
- DMPG '15 S5 - Black and White (15 -> 12)
- Raytracing (15 -> 12)
- TSOC '15 Contest 2 #6 - All-Out War! (15->12)
Underrated Problems:
- CCC '17 S5 - RMT (20 -> 25)
- Back to School '17: Hot and Cold (20 -> 25)
- Old Christmas Lights II (20 -> 25)
- Old Christmas Lights (17 -> 20)
- Back to School '16: Times Table (15 -> 20)
- CCC '16 S3 - Phonomenal Reviews (15 -> 17)
- CCC '16 S4 - Combining Riceballs (15 -> 17)
- An Easy Problem (12 -> 15)
- DMPG '16 S5 - Pizza Bag (12 -> 15)
- COCI '17 Contest 4 #3 Automobil (7 -> 10)
Problems With Bad Test Cases:
- CCO '07 P6 - Road Construction
- CCO '13 P3 - LHC
- CCO '15 P4 - Cars on Ice
- CCCHK '15 J5 - No friends in the same group
- DMOPC '17 Contest 2 P4 - Mimi and Dictionary
- A Simple Minus (I generated 100 test cases manually and over 20 WA'd)
- COCI '07 Contest 6 #3 Granica
- DMOPC '16 Contest 2 P5 - Tormented in Tartarus
People I need to remember to stalk:
- FetishBagel
- FetalBagel
- Beautiful_Times
- insignificant
- DerekZhang
- root
- institutionalisation
- isoffline
- InfernoApeZ
- CoffeeWorld
- StirFry
- appledoor
- Epicnerdking
Did you know that JackdawsCry is extremely sketchy?