343 problems solved
Rank by points: #956
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #2931
Rating: 1253
Min. rating: 1253
Max rating: 1253
From Upper Canada College, Olympiads School, WCIPEG Migration, UCC Coding Competition 2021, SAC Code Challenges, Coding Bowl
My GitHub
Goal for the summer: 5 problems a day
My Problems
Listed Easiest To Hardest:
- Towers (3p)
- Alphabet Score (3p)
- Thermometer (3p)
- Olympic Scoring (3p)
- Student Number (3p)
- Modulo Sort (5p)
- Genetic Sequencing (5p)
- Online School (5p)
- Chicken Strips (5p)
- Freedom! (7p)
- Teleportation Tangle (7p)
- Multiplication Madness (7p)
- The Wizard of Oz (7p)
- Cohorts (10p)
- Strategic Arrays - (15p)
Cool People (Unordered)
magicalsoup Xyene shayafArtyKing12maxcruickshanks Encodeous Pookmeisterhillcrestpaul0719geeseKevy3030 Rimuru richardzhanglookcookbruce wleung_bvg Plasmatic d
Check out hillcrestpaul0719's online judge!
Python Tips
Learn C++ :monkey:
Other Stuff
Discord: qwertytown4life#8466
Rating history
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