
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
An Animal Contest 6 P5 - Rock Painting AAC Intermediate Math 20p 12.3% 18
An Animal Contest 6 P6 - Generous Grizzly Gift Giving AAC Graph Theory 35p 11.3% 8
An Animal Contest 7 P1 - Squirrnect 4 AAC Implementation 3 20.9% 468
An Animal Contest 7 P2 - Squirrel Structures AAC Graph Theory 7p 15.4% 147
An Animal Contest 7 P3 - Squirrel Scramble AAC Ad Hoc 12p 15.1% 69
An Animal Contest 7 P4 - Squirrel Shenanigans AAC Ad Hoc 20 18.5% 18
An Animal Contest 7 P5 - Squirrel Scheming AAC Graph Theory 17p 14.0% 34
An Animal Contest 7 P6 - S-Squirrel? AAC Data Structures, Intermediate Math 20p 12.8% 7
Advanced Battleships Uncategorized Graph Theory, Implementation 15p 11.2% 34
Appleby Contest '19 P1 - Darcy's Debilitating Demands Uncategorized Implementation 3p 17.5% 325
Appleby Contest '19 P2 - The Love Letter Uncategorized String Algorithms 5p 29.7% 528
Appleby Contest '19 P3 - A Recursion Problem Uncategorized Implementation 5p 30.9% 279
Appleby Contest '19 P4 - Rectangles Uncategorized Brute Force, Simple Math 7p 19.9% 212
Appleby Contest '19 P5 - Matrix Operation Uncategorized Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 10p 32.8% 316
Appleby Contest '20 P1 - Terrific Triangles Uncategorized Simple Math 3p 22.3% 536
Appleby Contest '20 P2 - Playful Playdoughs Uncategorized Implementation 5p 23.6% 344
Appleby Contest '20 P3 - Ridiculous String Uncategorized Implementation 10p 17.5% 189
Appleby Contest '20 P4 - Philosophy Class Uncategorized Brute Force 12p 15.4% 87
Appleby Contest '20 P5 - Ridiculous Tree Uncategorized Data Structures, Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 15p 22.5% 62
Another Contest 10 Problem 1 - Wesley's Anger Contest 7 Problem 1 - Ideology ACC Uncategorized 0p 2.4% 6
Another Contest 10 Problem 2 - Wesley's Anger Contest 7 Problem 2 - Short Love Letters in CS ACC Uncategorized 0p 6.1% 8
Another Contest 10 Problem 3 - Wesley's Anger Contest 7 Problem 3 - The Obligatory Rage Tree Problem ACC Uncategorized 15p 1.0% 2
다른 콘테스트 10 문제 4 - 웨슬리의 분노 대결 7 문제 4 - 이 문제는 의도적으로 비워 둡니다 ACC Uncategorized 0p 0.6% 2
Another Contest 10 Problem 5 - Wesley's Anger Contest 7 Problem 5 - Name That Song ACC Uncategorized 0p 0.1% 1
Another Contest 1 Problem 1 - Binary String Operations ACC Data Structures 25 12.0% 45
Another Contest 1 Problem 2 - Graphs ACC Graph Theory 15 6.4% 79
Another Contest 1 Problem 3 - Poutine ACC Greedy Algorithms 10 4.0% 59
Another Contest 2 Problem 1 - Poutine ACC Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 15 14.7% 109
Another Contest 2 Problem 2 - Poutine ACC Graph Theory 10 28.6% 144
Another Contest 2 Problem 3 - Poutine ACC Data Structures, Graph Theory 15 27.0% 135
Another Contest 3 Problem 1 - Diverse Arrays ACC Greedy Algorithms 7 17.2% 340
Another Contest 3 Problem 2 - Camelot ACC Advanced Math 15 16.3% 77
Another Contest 3 Problem 3 - Lexicographically Largest Common Subsequence ACC Greedy Algorithms, String Algorithms 7 17.9% 170
Another Contest 3 Problem 4 - Range Updates and Range Queries ACC Data Structures, Intermediate Math 15 14.6% 62
Another Contest 4 Problem 0 - The April Fools Warmup Problem ACC Implementation 0 27.7% 470
Another Contest 4 Problem 1 - Identity Crisis ACC Ad Hoc 0 34.7% 346
Another Contest 4 Problem 10 - Two Rectangles ACC Ad Hoc 0 56.6% 139
Another Contest 4 Problem 11 - Three Rectangles ACC Ad Hoc 0 36.1% 53
Another Contest 4 Problem 2 - The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm ACC Ad Hoc 0 72.5% 272
Another Contest 4 Problem 3 - An Isosceles Right Triangle ACC Ad Hoc 0 71.7% 196
Another Contest 4 Problem 4 - Another Isosceles Right Triangle ACC Ad Hoc 0 45.8% 119
Another Contest 4 Problem 5 - Prime Time Television ACC Ad Hoc 0 61.9% 162
Another Contest 4 Problem 6 - One Billion Views ACC Ad Hoc 0 80.6% 146
Another Contest 4 Problem 7 - A Sack of Creatures ACC Ad Hoc 0 57.7% 55
Another Contest 4 Problem 8 - DMOJ! ACC Ad Hoc 0 27.3% 53
Another Contest 4 Problem 9 - Fast Fourier Transform! ACC Ad Hoc 0 16.7% 43
Another Contest 5 Problem 1 - Goat Fence ACC Simple Math 3p 27.1% 651
Another Contest 5 Problem 2 - Great Graffiti ACC Brute Force 5p 18.5% 221
Another Contest 5 Problem 3 - Cutting Cheese Costs ACC Greedy Algorithms 5p 23.0% 373
Another Contest 5 Problem 5 - Another Cheese Problem ACC Graph Theory, Greedy Algorithms 12 17.1% 67