
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
Lyndon's Golf Contest 1 P9 - Fibonacci: The Finale Uncategorized Simple Math 0p 56.2% 72
Liars Uncategorized Graph Theory 15p 15.7% 9
Lil' Jami Uncategorized Data Structures 5p 17.6% 221
Linked List Uncategorized Data Structures, Implementation 20p 6.3% 31
Longest Increasing Subsequence Classics Dynamic Programming 10 23.9% 562
Literature Club Uncategorized Implementation 5p 48.4% 46
LKP '18 Contest 1 P1 - World Trade Foundation Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 3p 39.0% 224
LKP '18 Contest 1 P2 - Observing Frogs Uncategorized Simple Math 5p 26.4% 174
LKP '18 Contest 1 P3 - Polynomial Madness Uncategorized Brute Force, Intermediate Math 7p 12.3% 52
LKP '18 Contest 1 P4 - Fun in Föràg Uncategorized Graph Theory 15p 13.4% 255
LKP '18 Contest 1 P5 - The Treaty of Wellacotia Uncategorized Data Structures 17p 12.0% 53
LKP '18 Contest 1 P6 - The Great Fire of Köres Uncategorized Data Structures 20p 16.7% 54
LKP '18 Contest 2 P1 - Food Lines Uncategorized Implementation 3 37.7% 1135
LKP '18 Contest 2 P2 - Secret Signal Uncategorized Ad Hoc 5 23.6% 135
LKP '18 Contest 2 P3 - Non-strategic Bombing Uncategorized Geometry 7 27.6% 103
LKP '18 Contest 2 P4 - The Zagonetka Machine Uncategorized String Algorithms 12p 13.9% 38
LKP '18 Contest 2 P5 - Political Instability Uncategorized Data Structures 17 21.8% 43
LKP '18 Contest 2 P6 - Reconstruction Uncategorized Data Structures, Graph Theory 25 7.9% 33
Love Evenness Uncategorized Ad Hoc 5 48.6% 99
Willie's Subtree Uncategorized Data Structures, Graph Theory 15 16.8% 9
Guess the Sequence Uncategorized Brute Force, Interactive 3p 5.9% 188
Max's Anger Contest Series 1 P1 - Hunger Bar Seasonal Implementation 3p 60.1% 309
Max's Anger Contest Series 1 P2 - Wesley's Anger Contest 7 P1 - Enraged Seasonal Ad Hoc 5 51.4% 228
Max's Anger Contest Series 1 P3 - Divide and Connor Seasonal Divide and Conquer 7 23.7% 219
Max's Anger Contest Series 1 P4 - Greedily Gamboling Seasonal Graph Theory 12p 17.8% 73
Max's Anger Contest Series 1 P4 - Greedily Gamboling (Hard Version) Seasonal Graph Theory 15p 28.7% 13
Max's Anger Contest Series 1 P5 - Slacking Subsequences Seasonal Data Structures, Dynamic Programming 15p 30.9% 58
Max's Anger Contest Series 2 P1 - Directed Anger Seasonal Implementation 3 57.2% 179
Max's Anger Contest Series 2 P2 - Password Anger Seasonal Implementation 5p 70.3% 168
Max's Anger Contest Series 2 P3 - Array Anger Seasonal Data Structures 7p 44.5% 181
Max's Anger Contest Series 2 P4 - Number Anger Seasonal Dynamic Programming 12p 37.7% 51
Max's Anger Contest Series 2 P5 - Job Anger Seasonal Data Structures, Implementation 12p 28.2% 60
Magic Bits Uncategorized Ad Hoc, Simple Math 10p 12.8% 42
Magic Maze Uncategorized Data Structures 17p 17.1% 23
Magic Sequence Olympiads School Dynamic Programming 7p 64.3% 93
MALD Contest 1 P1 - Scratch Cat and DDoS Uncategorized Implementation 3 24.3% 146
MALD Contest 1 P2 - Scratch Cat and Examinations Uncategorized Implementation, Simple Math 5p 30.5% 124
MALD Contest 1 P3 - Scratch Cat and Infestation Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 7 12.4% 64
MALD Contest 1 P4 - Scratch Cat and Demolition Uncategorized Data Structures 15p 33.6% 51
MALD Contest 1 P5 - Scratch Cat and Desktop Backgrounds Uncategorized Ad Hoc, Data Structures 17p 9.9% 17
MALD Contest 1 P6 - Scratch Cat and Painting Uncategorized Ad Hoc, Geometry 17p 14.1% 13
A Math Contest P1 - Arrays Uncategorized Simple Math 5 33.0% 274
A Math Contest P10 - Tricky Multisets Uncategorized Ad Hoc, Intermediate Math 12 27.5% 70
A Math Contest P11 - Weak Goldbach's Conjecture Uncategorized Advanced Math 15 25.3% 74
A Math Contest P12 - Triangles Uncategorized Geometry, Intermediate Math 17 27.6% 21
A Math Contest P13 - Ways Uncategorized Advanced Math 17 19.7% 33
A Math Contest P14 - Choosing Marbles Uncategorized Advanced Math 25p 22.3% 42
A Math Contest P15 - Matrix Fixed Point Uncategorized Advanced Math 20 69.8% 32
A Math Contest P16 - Morbius vs. Suibom Uncategorized Advanced Math 25 18.1% 20
A Math Contest P17 - Heatwaves Uncategorized Advanced Math 45 36.4% 3