130 problems solved
Rank by points: #951
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #6558
Rating: 617
Min. rating: 617
Max rating: 617
From Thornhill S.S.
Best times:
IOI '01 P1 - Mobile Phones (2)
Another Contest 3 Problem 4 - Range Updates and Range Queries (2) (formerly 1)
Nightmare-a-thon (2)
DMOPC '14 Contest 5 P6 - Save Nagato! (4)
Cewl problems:
Another Contest 3 Problem 4 - Range Updates and Range Queries
NOI '05 P2 - Maintaining a Sequence (Partials)
DMOPC '20 Contest 1 P4 - Victor Makes Bank
IOI '01 P1 - Mobile Phones = Checkerboard Summation (Hard)
VM7WC '16 #5 Silver - Jayden Eats Chocolate = Coin Change = CCC '00 S4 - Golf
Rating history
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