677 problems solved
Rank by points: #281
Total points:
8 contests written
Rank by rating: #1027
Rating: 1755
Min. rating: 1008
Max rating: 1755
From Oakville Trafalgar High School, Olympiads School, Mahou Shoujou, Coding Bowl, St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S.
friends = [Humanthe2nd, PythonshellDebugwindow, yujhtheyujh, htoshiro, weewoo14, volcano, ostrichthattypes, justinw_1]
orz bruce, kuruluu, CubixularHelix, polarity
Sqrt decomp > segment tree
Some good sqrt decomposition problems:
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc15c1p6
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/segtree
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/stp3 (tip: use block size 400)
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/tsoc15c2p6 (tip: use block size 600)
- [insert segment tree problems (lazy included)]
- [insert fenwick tree problems]
- [remove persistent segment tree problems]
Personal achievements:
- solving https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco13p3 after 2 month
- using sqrt on seg tree problem (too many to list)
- solving https://dmoj.ca/problem/year2016p8
- creating a contest
- solve https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc19s4 without help
Rating history
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