518 problems solved
Total points:
18 contests written
Rating: 1482
Min. rating: 407
Max rating: 1482
From Garth Webb Secondary School, Olympiads School, PEO-Mississauga Chapter, Coding Bowl, Codeforces
im the highest in the room
We don't love anymore. What was all of it for?
I love competitive programming, number theory, classical music, and most importantly, penguins.
no more computing contests left, but i enjoyed the journey!
orz bruce AustinJiang Ivan_Li htoshiro weewoo14 ostrichthattypes vsarca kuruluu kevlu8 hfafdfasfsd CubixularHelix careyjcui kieru suoe BalintR jdabtieu anthony_ fushi_snom Meh494 Sleepyleaf58 Ryan_Sharma Ronini CubixularHelix 1jiangand2 vishnus noYou Snowfall Plasmatic tofu (and many more, sorry if i forgot you!!)
306 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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