111 problems solved
Rank by points: #3010
Total points:
4 contests written
Rank by rating: #6467
Rating: 790
Min. rating: 315
Max rating: 790
From Olympiads School, St. Robert C.H.S., Mahou Shoujou
Graph questions elliot told me to do
https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco08p4https://dmoj.ca/problem/treepractice1(TLE, fix when learn c++)https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco96p5https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc13c1p4 (overweighted)(idk why i got test case 6 wrong)https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc18s3 (not hard, but has a lot of cases and might be annoying)https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc06j4 (topological sort)https://dmoj.ca/problem/bts18p4- https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc14ce1p4 (overweighted)
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc09s4 (overweighted)
harder (idk if u can solve all of them):
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco11p2
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc15s4
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/lkp18c1p4
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/gfssoc2s4
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ncco4d1p3
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ioi13p1io (if stuck: do tree tasks) (identical problem for more points :blobbusiness: https://dmoj.ca/problem/ioi13p1)
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/mmcc14p3 you will not solvve this (but you know everything required i think)
introductory DP problems from elliot 2021-03-04 FINISHED
0 submissions in the last year
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