Another installment of everyone's favourite contest series is on its way...
The contest will run from Friday, March 25th to Monday, March 28th (inclusive of both days).
Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.
Contestants may participate in any 3-hour window between 00:00:00 EDT of March 25th and 00:00:00 EDT of March 29th. Please see the contest page for more details.
From Friday, March 18th to Monday, March 21st, we'll be hosting An Animal Contest 6. Participants will have a 3-hour window to complete 6 problems centred around grizzly bears! See the contest page for more details.
The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) is fast approaching! To prepare aspiring competitors one last time, we decided to make DMOPC this month CCC-themed!
The contest will run from Friday, Febrary 11th to Monday, February 14th (inclusive of both days).
Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.
Contestants may participate in any 3-hour window between 00:00:00 EST of Febrary 11th and 00:00:00 EST of February 15th. Please see the contest page for more details.
From Saturday, January 22nd to Monday, January 24th, we'll be hosting An Animal Contest 5. Participants will have a 3-hour window to complete 6 problems centered around pandas! See the contest page for more details.
Note that AAC5 is not rated for users with at least 2400 rating.
New year, new DMOPC! Start the year off with (what could be) a brand new colour!
The contest will run from Friday, January 14th to Monday, January 17th (inclusive of both days).
Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.
Contestants may participate in any 3-hour window between 00:00:00 EST of January 14th and 00:00:00 EST of January 18th. Please see the contest page for more details.