
Problem Category Points AC % Users
BlueBook - Column of Numbers BlueBook 3 42.6% 691
BlueBook - Days BlueBook 3 32.8% 261
BlueBook - Power Base BlueBook 3 39.7% 546
BlueBook - Digits BlueBook 3 52.5% 531
BlueBook - Triangle BlueBook 3 48.6% 320
BlueBook - Grades BlueBook 3 35.4% 1055
BlueBook - Max BlueBook 3 21.1% 448
Graph Contest 1 P2 - Shortest Path Uncategorized 5 26.9% 393
Graph Contest 2 P1 - Connected Components Uncategorized 7 36.2% 250
Graph Contest 3 P1 - Travelling Salesmen Uncategorized 7 33.4% 298
Graph Contest 2 P3 - Trees Uncategorized 7 33.5% 148
Graph Contest 3 P3 - Cable TV Uncategorized 7 39.2% 187
Graph Contest 1 P1 - Counting Paths Uncategorized 10 19.4% 95
Graph Contest 2 P2 - Directed Acyclic Graph Uncategorized 10 17.4% 393
Graph Contest 3 P2 - Shortest Path Uncategorized 10p 24.1% 287
Graph Contest 1 P3 - Counting Cycles Uncategorized 10 16.0% 113
IOI '95 Practice Task 1 - Fence Factory IOI 15p 21.7% 10
IOI '95 Practice Task 3 - Bar Codes IOI 12p 35.4% 23
IOI '95 P2 - Shopping Offers IOI 15p 27.5% 42
IOI '95 Practice Task 2 - Word Chains IOI 12 43.9% 54
IOI '99 P5 - Flatten IOI 15p 21.8% 16
IOI '99 P2 - Hidden Codes IOI 20p 14.4% 10
IOI '99 P6 - A Strip of Land IOI 20p 13.4% 34
IOI '99 P4 - Traffic Lights IOI 15 31.1% 28
IOI '99 P1 - Little Shop of Flowers IOI 10 30.6% 204
IOI '03 P6 - Seeing the Boundary IOI 20p 16.1% 63
IOI '03 P5 - Amazing Robots IOI 20 11.4% 38
IOI '03 P2 - Comparing Code IOI 25p 17.6% 32
IOI '03 Practice Task 1 - Balancing Act IOI 15 46.6% 125
ACSL '09 Contest 1 Senior - Bridge Uncategorized 10p 25.0% 15
ACSL '09 Contest 3 Senior - Pinochle Uncategorized 10p 34.1% 3
ACSL '09 Practice P3 - Zeroes Uncategorized 10 21.6% 126
ACSL '09 Practice P1 - Kansas Uncategorized 7 14.7% 67
ACSL '09 Practice P5 - Fax Uncategorized 12p 29.3% 18
ACSL '09 Practice P4 - Rank Uncategorized 7 45.9% 851
ACSL '09 Practice P7 - Cube Uncategorized 15 16.1% 27
ACSL '09 Practice P2 - Cars Uncategorized 10p 19.1% 36
ACSL '09 Practice P6 - Expression Uncategorized 10p 11.4% 29
SMAC 08/09 (Nov) #2 - Stock Market II Uncategorized 10p 7.6% 19
SMAC 08/09 (Oct) #2 - Digging for Gold Uncategorized 10 19.2% 53
SMAC 08/09 (Oct) #5 - Crossroads Uncategorized 12p 25.1% 30
SMAC 08/09 (Nov) #3 - Factor Game Uncategorized 15 23.9% 49
SMAC 08/09 (Nov) #5 - Intelligent Stats Uncategorized 10p 40.7% 21
SMAC 08/09 (Oct) #4 - Daycare Uncategorized 15p 4.5% 20
SMAC 08/09 (Nov) #1 - Befungulator Uncategorized 10 23.8% 20
SMAC 08/09 (Oct) #3 - Jumpscotch Uncategorized 12p 29.5% 240
SMAC 08/09 (Oct) #1 - Eliminanagram Uncategorized 5 47.0% 115
SMAC 08/09 (Nov) #4 - Infinite Degrees Uncategorized 12p 25.3% 18
CCO '03 P3 - Cube CCO 20p 12.4% 14
CCO '05 P2 - The Great Spamway Strike CCO 20 40.8% 43