
Problem Category ▴ Points AC % Users
THICC '17 P4 - Kenta's Neural Networks Uncategorized 10p 21.9% 47
RTE '16 J1 - Board Game Uncategorized 3 21.4% 295
RTE '16 S3 - School Traversal Uncategorized 7p 21.2% 279
RTE '16 J3 - Mule Wars Uncategorized 5p 36.0% 57
RTE '16 J2 - Guidance Counselling Uncategorized 7p 17.6% 55
RTE '16 S2 - Fire Evacuation Plan Uncategorized 12p 14.9% 74
RTE '16 S1 - Battery Pyramids Uncategorized 7p 31.8% 79
Mocking SpongeBob Uncategorized 3 31.5% 280
THICC '17 P6 - Tunnels Uncategorized 15p 24.5% 142
THICC '17 P5 - Smarties Uncategorized 7p 34.6% 316
A Harder Game Uncategorized 15p 8.5% 31
TSS Club Fair 2017 Problem A Uncategorized 3p 62.1% 267
TSS Club Fair 2017 Problem B Uncategorized 7p 21.2% 518
Jason's Theorem Uncategorized 10p 20.0% 108
Inaho II Uncategorized 25p 13.8% 31
ICHB Selection Contest '17 Problem 3 - Parallel Universe Uncategorized 12p 22.8% 160
ICHB Selection Contest '17 Problem 2 - Black Star's Visit Uncategorized 7p 8.5% 26
Inaho III Uncategorized 17p 18.4% 31
Inaho IV Uncategorized 5p 48.5% 158
Confirmation Bias Uncategorized 10 13.6% 37
Inaho V Uncategorized 3p 18.7% 208
Raytracing Uncategorized 10p 52.2% 169
Inaho VI Uncategorized 10p 31.1% 41
RGPC '18 P3 - Chocolate Day Uncategorized 10 27.4% 265
RGPC '18 P1 - Giant Cookie Uncategorized 3 29.5% 262
RGPC '18 P5 - Wormhole Uncategorized 20p 8.0% 7
RGPC '18 P2 - Performance Points Uncategorized 5 8.8% 75
RGPC '18 P4 - Higgs Uncategorized 15p 18.4% 40
Another Small Favour Uncategorized 15p 5.3% 9
A New Country Uncategorized 25p 25.1% 17
A Simple Multiplication Uncategorized 12 14.0% 17
Literature Club Uncategorized 5p 48.2% 45
Inaho VII Uncategorized 25p 25.8% 9
List Minimum (Harder) Uncategorized 7 0.2% 5
Double Doors Regional P1 - Tudor Gets a Goat Uncategorized 3 53.7% 292
Bob and Special Mud Uncategorized 12 0.9% 3
Double Doors Regional P2 - Tudor Learns DDR Uncategorized 3 36.2% 250
Polynomial Time Boolean Satisfiability Uncategorized 15p 37.7% 48
Overflow Uncategorized 30p 2.4% 7
Fibonacci Sequence (Harder) Uncategorized 17 19.7% 300
Double Doors Regional P4 - Tudor Teaches Jason How To Be Productive Uncategorized 10 13.1% 40
Double Doors Regional P3 - Tudor and the Pusheens Uncategorized 7 14.7% 368
Double Doors Regional P5 - Tudor Eats Ice Cream Cones Uncategorized 15 25.2% 36
Double Doors Regional P6 - Tudor Learns More DDR Uncategorized 17 17.7% 32
Knapsack 3 Uncategorized 10p 26.3% 250
Bank Notes Uncategorized 7 17.0% 143
XOR Sum Uncategorized 10 45.2% 234
XOR Minimum Uncategorized 17p 36.2% 135
UTS Open '18 P3 - Restaurants Uncategorized 7p 32.4% 241
UTS Open '18 P2 - ABCs Uncategorized 3p 32.3% 275