
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
CCC '10 J4 - Global Warming CCC Implementation 5p 22.7% 1085
CCC '10 J5 - Knight Hop CCC Graph Theory 7 36.6% 2451
CCC '10 S1 - Computer Purchase CCC Simple Math 5 14.2% 1357
CCC '10 S2 - Huffman Encoding CCC String Algorithms 5 53.8% 1617
CCC '10 S3 - Firehose CCC Data Structures, Implementation 15p 18.7% 685
CCC '10 S4 - Animal Farm CCC Graph Theory 15p 25.7% 538
CCC '10 S5 - Nutrient Tree CCC Dynamic Programming 20p 19.7% 270
CCC '11 J1 - Which Alien? CCC Implementation 3 35.7% 6491
CCC '11 J2 - Who Has Seen The Wind CCC Implementation 5 25.6% 1917
CCC '11 J3 - Sumac Sequences CCC Simple Math 5 43.3% 2956
CCC '11 J4 - Boring Business CCC Implementation 7 27.8% 1547
CCC '11 J5 - Unfriend CCC Graph Theory 7 46.9% 1027
CCC '11 S1 - English or French? CCC String Algorithms 5 35.5% 6002
CCC '11 S2 - Multiple Choice CCC Implementation 3 55.0% 6485
CCC '11 S3 - Alice Through the Looking Glass CCC Recursion 10p 36.1% 1218
CCC '11 S4 - Blood Distribution CCC Graph Theory, Greedy Algorithms 15p 8.0% 165
CCC '11 S5 - Switch CCC Graph Theory 12p 18.1% 421
CCC '12 J1 - Speed fines are not fine! CCC Implementation 3 30.8% 5902
CCC '12 J2 - Sounds fishy! CCC Implementation 3 34.1% 4713
CCC '12 J3 - Icon Scaling CCC Implementation 3 51.0% 2934
CCC '12 J4 - Big Bang Secrets CCC String Algorithms 3 59.2% 2467
CCC '12 S1 - Don't pass me the ball! CCC Simple Math 3 56.4% 2286
CCC '12 S2 - Aromatic Numbers CCC Simple Math 5 53.3% 1743
CCC '12 S3 - Absolutely Acidic CCC Implementation 7 26.7% 1886
CCC '12 S4 - A Coin Game CCC Graph Theory 15 27.0% 468
CCC '12 S5 - Mouse Journey CCC Dynamic Programming 7 45.6% 1853
CCC '13 J1 - Next in line CCC Implementation 3 62.3% 12560
CCC '13 J2 - Rotating letters CCC Implementation 3 45.1% 4943
CCC '13 J4 - Time on task CCC Greedy Algorithms 5 44.6% 3077
CCC '13 S1 - From 1987 to 2013 CCC Implementation 5 46.1% 4026
CCC '13 S2 - Bridge Transport CCC Simple Math 5 26.8% 2095
CCC '13 S3 - Chances of Winning CCC Brute Force 10 41.4% 1389
CCC '13 S4 - Who is Taller? CCC Graph Theory 7 16.8% 1254
CCC '13 S5 - Factor Solitaire CCC Greedy Algorithms, Intermediate Math 15p 43.0% 747
CCC '14 J1 - Triangle Times CCC Implementation 3 32.9% 7632
CCC '14 J2 - Vote Count CCC Implementation 3 44.5% 5495
CCC '14 J3 - Double Dice CCC Implementation 3 56.3% 4603
CCC '14 S1 - Party Invitation CCC Implementation 5 47.2% 3597
CCC '14 S2 - Assigning Partners CCC Implementation 5 33.3% 2908
CCC '14 S3 - The Geneva Confection CCC Implementation 7p 26.6% 2856
CCC '14 S4 - Tinted Glass Window CCC Data Structures, Geometry 15p 29.2% 687
CCC '14 S5 - Lazy Fox CCC Dynamic Programming 20p 17.9% 468
CCC '15 J1 - Special Day CCC Implementation 3 36.9% 8733
CCC '15 J2 - Happy or Sad CCC Implementation 3 37.2% 7395
CCC '15 J3 - Rövarspråket CCC Implementation 5p 38.6% 2329
CCC '15 J4 - Wait Time CCC Implementation 5 39.5% 1347
CCC '15 J5 - π-day CCC Dynamic Programming 10p 27.4% 1512
CCC '15 S1 - Zero That Out CCC Implementation 3 51.1% 3935
CCC '15 S2 - Jerseys CCC Implementation 5p 26.7% 1992
CCC '15 S3 - Gates CCC Data Structures 10p 18.8% 1809