
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
GFSSOC '14 Winter J5 - Pursuit of Knowledge GFSSOC Graph Theory 10p 24.5% 485
GFSSOC '14 Winter S1 - Friendship is a number GFSSOC Implementation 5p 42.8% 207
GFSSOC '14 Winter S2 - Speech GFSSOC Implementation 5p 24.4% 168
GFSSOC '14 Winter S3 - Hide n Seek GFSSOC Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 12p 25.1% 189
GFSSOC '14 Winter S4 - Stalactites GFSSOC Data Structures 17p 23.6% 256
GFSSOC '14 Winter S5 - Stardust Snow GFSSOC Dynamic Programming 20p 12.2% 70
GFSSOC '15 Fall J1 - CodeFights GFSSOC Implementation 3p 40.6% 430
GFSSOC '15 Fall J2 - Fizz Fuzz GFSSOC Implementation, Simple Math 5p 34.8% 305
GFSSOC '15 Fall J3 - Equation Solver GFSSOC Implementation, Simple Math 5p 57.2% 393
GFSSOC '15 Fall J4 - Marathon GFSSOC Data Structures 7p 39.9% 821
GFSSOC '15 Fall J5 - Nightmare-a-thon GFSSOC Ad Hoc, Data Structures 10p 32.2% 569
GFSSOC '15 Fall S1 - T-Shirts GFSSOC Greedy Algorithms 5p 23.8% 88
GFSSOC '15 Fall S2 - Hearth GFSSOC Brute Force 5p 42.0% 354
GFSSOC '15 Fall S3 - System(0); GFSSOC Intermediate Math 10p 22.6% 89
GFSSOC '15 Fall S4 - Mostly Talking GFSSOC Graph Theory 15p 15.5% 384
GFSSOC '15 Fall S5 - Raider GFSSOC Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 17p 14.0% 140
GFSSOC '15 Winter J1 - Festive Fardin GFSSOC Implementation 3 32.8% 393
GFSSOC '15 Winter J2 - Purchasing Presents GFSSOC Implementation, Simple Math 3p 12.1% 236
GFSSOC '15 Winter J3 - Christmas Presents GFSSOC Implementation 5p 20.0% 62
GFSSOC '15 Winter J4 - Christmas Music GFSSOC Implementation 5p 13.8% 24
GFSSOC '15 Winter J5 - Secret Santa GFSSOC Brute Force, Recursion 7p 58.7% 175
GFSSOC '15 Winter S1 - OR-deal GFSSOC Implementation 5p 31.5% 366
GFSSOC '15 Winter S2 - Soko-Boop GFSSOC Graph Theory 12p 22.5% 63
GFSSOC '15 Winter S3 - PalinDrone GFSSOC Simple Math 7p 19.9% 212
GFSSOC '15 Winter S4 - Starry Nights GFSSOC Dynamic Programming 12p 22.3% 115
GFSSOC '15 Winter S5 - ORBOT GFSSOC Data Structures 15p 17.3% 22
GFSSOC '15 Fall Practice P1 - Bruno and Trig GFSSOC Simple Math 3p 37.9% 448
GFSSOC '15 Fall Practice P2 - Bruno and Tennis GFSSOC Implementation 5p 29.5% 101
GFSSOC '15 Fall Practice P3 - Bruno and Beads GFSSOC Implementation 5p 45.4% 135
GFSSOC '15 Fall Practice P4 - Bruno and Fibonacci GFSSOC Implementation, Simple Math 5p 23.6% 237
GFSSOC '15 Fall Practice P5 - Bruno and Pumpkins GFSSOC Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms 7p 28.1% 181
Guitar Hero Uncategorized Uncategorized 25p 1.6% 1
PEG Test '14 - Gift Delivery Uncategorized Graph Theory 10 15.1% 13
Google Kickstart '17 Round A Problem A - Square Counting Google Kick Start Intermediate Math 12p 20.9% 19
Google Kickstart '17 Round C Problem A - Ambiguous Cipher Google Kick Start String Algorithms 7p 43.0% 31
Google Kickstart '17 Round C Problem B - X Squared Google Kick Start Ad Hoc 7p 17.0% 47
Google Kickstart '17 Round C Problem C - Magical Thinking Google Kick Start Dynamic Programming 10p 20.0% 10
Google Kickstart '17 Round F Problem A - Kicksort Google Kick Start Uncategorized 7p 29.6% 7
GlobeX Cup '18 J Sample - Farming Simulator Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 5p 38.1% 134
GlobeX Cup '18 J1 - Rounding Errors Uncategorized Implementation 3p 37.0% 233
GlobeX Cup '18 J2 - Mark Gambling Uncategorized Simple Math 5p 31.5% 215
GlobeX Cup '18 J3 - Good Numbers Uncategorized Implementation 5p 25.7% 164
GlobeX Cup '18 J4 - Magical Functions Uncategorized Recursion 7p 20.5% 168
GlobeX Cup '18 J5 - Errands Uncategorized Graph Theory 10p 24.2% 184
GlobeX Cup '18 S Sample - Chair Stacking Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 7p 46.6% 130
GlobeX Cup '18 S1 - Code Copiers Uncategorized Implementation 5p 50.6% 149
GlobeX Cup '18 S2 - Test Scores Uncategorized Greedy Algorithms 7p 18.4% 114
GlobeX Cup '18 S3 - Playing With Bits Uncategorized Ad Hoc, Intermediate Math 10p 15.5% 48
GlobeX Cup '18 S4 - Reversed Dijkstra's Uncategorized Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory 10p 11.0% 43
GlobeX Cup '18 S5 - Math Bash Uncategorized Data Structures 17 11.6% 20