From University of Toronto Schools, Olympiads School
Name: Marcus Liu
Discord: sucram314.
M4 (Grade 10) Student at UTS
orz Pear hen Tangerine259 tofu andyloo666 goofygoober hxian laight sonje 4fecta Nils_Emmenegger bruce XTL Riolku NK Snowfall dxke02 vsarca AustinJiang El20082 NotDiamand likevrui Kevkev_yanrui oDrowned_
hen IOI when
I'm making problems about numbers, here's a list of them so far:
(I will slowly release editorials)
tfw your top problems are either scuffed or math related
update: still kinda scuffed, but getting better hopefully
note to self: sometimes c++ tles not because ur algorithm is too slow, but because ur array bounds aren't correct (this happened way too many times) usually just add some extra cells to ur array and it will work
update: I now always add extra cells to my arrays :)
other common errors (trivial yet deadly):
- index off by 1
- swapped rows and columns of a grid
- bad io (especially if you use an unsigned scan macro on negative integers D:)
- wrong data type
- misreading the problem statement (or not reading it at all)
- stupidity
VERY COOL PROBLEM: NOI '16 P6 - Computation
cool submissions:
VM7WC '16 #3 Silver - Can Shahir even get there?!
CCC '09 S4 - Shop and Ship
TLE 2018-19 P1 - Hello, World! (first 20p lmao)
Phantom's Python Challenge (ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg and first 40p hehe)
UTS Open '15 #6 - Tetrahedra (bro why is this even 40p)
CCC '23 J5 - CCC Word Hunt (lmao myfirstpwogwam always works)
A Long Problem (1000th problem solved gg)
NOI '05 P6 - Lemon Tree Under the Moon (BRO I HATE THIS PROBLEM)
TLE 2018-19 P5 - Pure Functional Programming (hurray!!! gg cool problem) WHO REJUDGED MY SUBMISSION >:(
Hello, World! (what)
BF problem bank
CCC '11 J5 - Unfriend
COCI '18 Contest 6 #1 Lun (thx vsarca)
CCC '18 J1 - Telemarketer or not?
PEG Test '11 - Cyclopian Puzzle