From William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., UCC Coding Competition 2021, Foxen, Olympiads School
Human person liking human things like pizza, the technological gadget known as the computer as well as video games. Currently this planet has rotated 17 2
People to Orz
AZron (^_^)
MarsFlat o(^@^)o
ayda q(≧▽≦q)
Averesoft :blobaww: We hath been adopted by a g11
cheollie ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ - ty for feline friends
pingu (* ̄3 ̄)╭
Evang ( ̄︶ ̄*))
sorry I got addicted to windows emoticons :pensive:
I will follow in the footsteps of MarsFlat: Notice Me ChrisT :blobreach:
Languages I "know"
HTML, the "language"
CSS, also the "language"
C Flat
French haha what a funny joke
Favourite Problems
Convex Hull Dijsktra is acc so cool :rooaww:
First Problems
5 points: Multiple Choice
7 points: Geneva Confection
10 points: Floor Plan
12 points: Chances of Winning
15 points: Cat..... girls
17 points: Stalactites It took me half an hour... but that got slightly stretched to 4 hours because I made a typo and used the variable "sx" instead of "sy"... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
20 points: DOG... girls
25 points: Pyramid
THIRD FASTEST SUB ON CATGIRLS FOR NOW(olympiads people please let me have this) cries in over 100 lines edit: I'm now fourth fastest :<
Got 45th on WAC 6 is that good? Is it bad? It's probably bad. But for me, it's good
34th on DMOPC, which helped me to become yellowwwww :blobaww:
Maffs making problems easier
Solved a problem by using memo on combinations... but instead of hashing an array I represented it as a power of two and that was all I needed to AC :blobaww:
Was MLE-ing with a normal memo, but by using some combinatorics I was able to represent a pair of numbers in the most memory efficient way
Doing fake "hashes" with numero theory to represent pairs of numbers :blobaww:
My Public Coding Diary Because I have nowhere else to put it
10 years old ish: I had no wifi. My dad had eclipse. My dad taught me java. Then he gave me a bunch of books and now I am the shut in that I am.
2020: AZron taught me about dmoj. Now I'm happy. I also did Advent Of Code. That was fun
2021 Jan 25: I did WAC. I'm purpleeeeeeeeeee
2021 Feb 1: I DMOPC. That was fun
2021 Feb 1: My fatherly guardian pressured me to make a stock market ai. Do I know machine learning? No. So how do I make it? No idea. What I do know is that I must get funding for genetically engineered CATGIRLS
2021 Feb 10: Turns out AI requires calculus, who would've guessed? Guess who's gonna be completely overambitious on khan academyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
2021 Feb 17: Sub 40 ak on ccc junior... I don't think that's something I can brag about though... Also ChrisT pulled off flexed on all of us idiots by leaving in like 50 minute. I'm gonna start calling that "The Chris Flex"™
2021 Mar 17: Guess what, turns out you don't need calc to pirate off of open source software :D Time to continue my dreams but this time with tensorflow carrying moi
2021 April 9: The math grind is real :pensive:
2021 April 14: Hackathon + Fryer; Fried my Brain Thanks MarsFlat for the joke :blobcreep:
2021 April 21: :>
May 10, 2021: My bio has been found. This is it, my reputation is gone. My inner weeb has become my downfall. Although what the heck I got noticed by such orz people eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is the best day of lifeeeeeeeeeee
May 31, 2021: Tried osu. Now my wrist hurts
June 29, 2021: Oh no I signed up for olympiads. Time to get destroyed by people who actually know how to properly cp :blobweary: Also I think my mom may have accidentally lied by saying I got a 75 on ccc... I mean it's not technically a lie BUT MOM IT WAS CCC JUNIOR
July 3, 2021: wth how am I supposed to know Tarjans :sob: sigh olympiads people too pog I feel so inferior
July 12, 2021: Anime >>>>
July 25: I have wasted... far too much time binging anime...
September 8, 2021: School's gonna start !! I remember having a todo list at the beginning of the summer... I have completed a total of 0 tasks
October 23: wth am I supposed to do... how am I supposed to live like wth what is the purpose of like doing stuff
May 29, 2022: Oh yea CCO is over, I still can't believe I made it !! anyways I'm bronze so hopefully I do better next year :blobweary:
June 19, 2022: Multiplayer games are scary. So I play warframe instead.
September 20, 2022: past me was so cringe. I'm still cringe. But I used to be cringe too 😭 Can I just unexistance
December 17, 2023: Wow... it's been a year, hasn't it. You know, I'm kinda missing this vibe after so long, so I'm gonna set a goal: after uni apps, let's unretire and start doing cp again 😤
June 1, 2024: Welp... uni apps finished and I didn't get back into cp... but by some devious stroke of luck I got ioi 😭😭 so I 100% need to unretire now LOLL
Anyways I swear I'm sane
orz maple