
Problem Category Points AC % ▾ Users
CCC '16 S1 - Ragaman CCC 3p 29.7% 2296
NOI '00 P5 - Frogs Crossing the River China NOI 10p 29.7% 24
Google Code Jam '21 Qualification Round Problem C - Reversort Engineering Google Code Jam 7p 29.7% 9
Mock CCC '20 S1 - War Mock CCC 3p 29.7% 477
Back To School '18: Trucking Troubles II Seasonal 20p 29.7% 31
DMPG '18 B5 - Mimi and Substrings DMOPC 7p 29.7% 166
CCO '20 P2 - Exercise Deadlines CCO 15p 29.7% 290
NOI '01 P2 - Artillery Positioning China NOI 20p 29.7% 47
WC '15 Contest 4 S2 - World Tour Woburn Challenge 12p 29.7% 31
IOI '21 P4 - Mutating DNA IOI 12p 29.7% 73
A Math Contest P5 - Good Arrays Uncategorized 7p 29.6% 129
Google Kickstart '17 Round F Problem A - Kicksort Google Kick Start 7p 29.6% 7
NOIP '04 P3 - Chorus Formation China NOI 10p 29.6% 28
Longest Up-Down Subsequence POI 12p 29.6% 126
STNBD P3 - Rinslet Laurenfrost Uncategorized 5p 29.6% 131
MWC '15 #1 P1: Playlist Panic MWC 5 29.6% 312
Baltic OI '13 P5 - Tracks in the Snow Baltic OI 12p 29.6% 84
TSOC '16 Contest 1 #6 - Joey and Biology TSOC 12p 29.6% 256
Triway Cup '18 Summer H - Heavy Souls Seasonal 15 29.6% 24
CCC '20 S5 - Josh's Double Bacon Deluxe CCC 17p 29.6% 257
DMOPC '15 Contest 6 P5 - A Classic Problem DMOPC 10 29.6% 313
The Game of Nim Uncategorized 12p 29.5% 29
DWITE '11 R2 #2 - Scratch Card DWITE 5 29.5% 35
A Math Contest P12 - Triangles Uncategorized 17 29.5% 20
SMAC 08/09 (Oct) #3 - Jumpscotch Uncategorized 12p 29.5% 240
PIB '20 P3 - Rulebreaker Uncategorized 7p 29.5% 55
RGPC '18 P1 - Giant Cookie Uncategorized 3 29.5% 262
GFSSOC '17 J5 - Choosing Extracurriculars GFSSOC 7 29.5% 52
Educational DP Contest AtCoder V - Subtree Uncategorized 20 29.5% 97
IOI '96 P2 - Job Processing IOI 20p 29.5% 53
Bubble Cup V8 F Bulbo Bubble Cup 12 29.5% 67
An Animal Contest 3 P4 - Monkey Mayhem AAC 7 29.5% 231
TLE '17 Contest 6 P5 - Speedrunning TLE 17p 29.5% 14
COCI '19 Contest 4 #3 Holding COCI 15p 29.4% 76
DMOPC '15 Contest 4 P3 - Lethal DMOPC 7p 29.4% 134
Mock CCC '19 Contest 2 S2 - Tudor Puts A Goat On A Rope Mock CCC 3p 29.4% 214
ICPC ECNA 2000 F - To Bet or Not To Bet ICPC 10 29.4% 4
DMOJ Capture The Flag '20 R3 - Harder Assembly CTF 7 29.4% 14
COCI '12 Contest 4 #3 Voyager COCI 7p 29.4% 13
COCI '17 Contest 5 #6 Planinarenje COCI 20p 29.4% 5
A Math Contest P7 - Factors Uncategorized 10 29.4% 130
COCI '15 Contest 5 #3 Perica COCI 10p 29.4% 159
Longest Increasing Subsequence Uncategorized 7 29.4% 647
Capture The Flag Uncategorized 5 29.4% 70
A Noisy Class Uncategorized 7 29.4% 752
CCC '97 S1 - Sentences CCC 5 29.4% 1019
COCI '23 Contest 1 #3 AN2DL COCI 12p 29.4% 36
COCI '07 Regional #1 Platforme COCI 7 29.4% 371
Mock CCC '18 Contest 5 J3/S1 - Median Triples Mock CCC 5p 29.4% 235
Kevin Needs Help Uncategorized 20 29.4% 16