Points breakdown
100 / 100
on May 1, 2024, 1:55 a.m.
weighted 100% (35pp)
100 / 100
on May 1, 2024, 1:56 a.m.
weighted 95% (24pp)
15 / 15
on May 1, 2024, 2:27 a.m.
weighted 81% (16pp)
15 / 15
on May 1, 2024, 2:11 a.m.
weighted 77% (15pp)
100 / 100
on May 1, 2024, 1:24 a.m.
weighted 74% (15pp)
100 / 100
on April 30, 2024, 10:29 p.m.
weighted 66% (13pp)
100 / 100
on April 30, 2024, 9:18 p.m.
weighted 63% (13pp)
AAC (5 points)
Problem | Score |
An Animal Contest 1 P2 - Alpaca Racing | 5 / 5 |
Baltic OI (37 points)
Problem | Score |
Baltic OI '05 P3 - Maze | 12 / 12 |
Baltic OI '16 P5 - Maze | 25 / 25 |
CCC (10 points)
Problem | Score |
CCC '07 J2 - I Speak TXTMSG | 3 / 3 |
CCC '10 J5 - Knight Hop | 7 / 7 |
Classics (7 points)
Problem | Score |
Single Source Shortest Path | 7 / 7 |
COCI (12 points)
Problem | Score |
COCI '13 Contest 2 #4 Putnik | 12 / 12 |
CTF (5 points)
Problem | Score |
DMOJ Capture The Flag '20 C2 - Small RSA | 5 / 5 |
Data Structure Tests (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Binary Indexed Tree Test | 10 / 10 |
DMOPC (3 points)
Problem | Score |
DMOPC '17 Contest 2 P1 - 0-1 Knapsack | 3 / 3 |
DWITE (5 points)
Problem | Score |
DWITE '07 R5 #2 - Number of factors | 5 / 5 |
GFSSOC (26.600 points)
Problem | Score |
GFSSOC '14 Winter J5 - Pursuit of Knowledge | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC '14 Winter S3 - Hide n Seek | 9.600 / 12 |
GFSSOC '15 Fall Practice P5 - Bruno and Pumpkins | 7 / 7 |
ICPC (22 points)
Problem | Score |
ICPC NEERC 2012 C - Caravan Robbers | 10 / 10 |
ICPC PACNW 2016 F - Illumination | 12 / 12 |
IOI (129 points)
Mock CCC (58 points)
Mock CCO (17 points)
Problem | Score |
CCO Preparation Test 1 P3 - K-th Rank Student | 17 / 17 |
Seasonal (155 points)
TLE (42 points)
Problem | Score |
TLE '16 Contest 4 P4 - Christmas Tree Building | 15 / 15 |
TLE '17 Contest 1 P4 - Tempest | 12 / 12 |
TLE '17 Contest 6 P4 - Willson and Travelling | 15 / 15 |
Uncategorized (168.500 points)
WAC (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Wesley's Anger Contest 1 Problem 1 - Simply a Simple Simplex Problem | 5 / 5 |
Wesley's Anger Contest Reject 5 - Two Permutations | 5 / 5 |
Woburn Challenge (10 points)
Problem | Score |
WC '17 Finals S1 - An Interspecific Army | 5 / 5 |
WC '99 P3 - The Godfather | 5 / 5 |