
Problem Category Types Points AC % Users
WC '15 Contest 4 S1 - Shootout Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 7p 31.3% 40
WC '15 Contest 4 S2 - World Tour Woburn Challenge Graph Theory 12p 30.1% 32
WC '15 Contest 4 S3 - Coded Paper Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 17p 19.7% 22
WC '15 Contest 4 S4 - Stakeout Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 20p 12.4% 15
WC '15 Finals J1 - Vertical Posting Woburn Challenge Implementation 3 45.2% 247
WC '15 Finals J2 - The Oxford Comma Woburn Challenge Implementation 5 18.2% 49
WC '15 Finals S1 - Fuzzbiz Woburn Challenge Implementation, Simple Math 7p 18.0% 23
WC '15 Finals S2 - Hydration Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 10p 25.6% 120
WC '15 Finals S3 - Driving Range Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 15p 15.3% 14
WC '15 Finals S4 - Server Hacking Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 20p 26.9% 26
WC '15 Finals S5 - Supply Chain Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 30p 9.8% 2
WC '16 Contest 1 J1 - A Spooky Season Woburn Challenge Implementation 3 47.9% 4976
WC '16 Contest 1 J2 - Frankenstein's Monster Woburn Challenge String Algorithms 5 8.9% 79
WC '16 Contest 1 S1 - Hide and Seek Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 10p 10.5% 32
WC '16 Contest 1 S2 - Alucard's Quest Woburn Challenge Graph Theory 10p 27.7% 66
WC '16 Contest 1 S3 - Tricky's Treats Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 12p 32.6% 144
WC '16 Contest 1 S4 - TP Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 12p 34.3% 32
WC '16 Contest 2 J1 - The Perfect Mate Woburn Challenge Implementation 3 28.6% 105
WC '16 Contest 2 J2 - EHC Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms, Simple Math 7p 11.1% 26
WC '16 Contest 2 S1 - Most Illogical Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 10p 29.1% 65
WC '16 Contest 2 S2 - Away Mission Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 12p 22.6% 33
WC '16 Contest 2 S3 - Turbolift Testing Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 15p 13.5% 18
WC '16 Contest 2 S4 - Diplomacy Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 17p 14.4% 19
WC '16 Contest 3 J1 - The Elite N Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 7p 19.0% 34
WC '16 Contest 3 J2 - Pokéwarehouses Woburn Challenge Ad Hoc 7p 12.3% 20
WC '16 Contest 3 S1 - Cutting Edge Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 7p 10.3% 29
WC '16 Contest 3 S2 - Training Regimen Woburn Challenge Graph Theory 12p 28.4% 103
WC '16 Contest 3 S3 - Puzzle Rooms Woburn Challenge Constructive 15p 4.7% 6
WC '16 Contest 3 S4 - Replay Value Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 15p 14.7% 22
WC '16 Contest 4 J1 - Anyone Can Be Anything Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 5p 65.8% 88
WC '16 Contest 4 J2 - You're Dead! Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 7p 32.1% 47
WC '16 Contest 4 S1 - Parking Duty Woburn Challenge Geometry 10p 19.3% 25
WC '16 Contest 4 S2 - Pawpsicles Woburn Challenge Graph Theory 12p 32.2% 39
WC '16 Contest 4 S3 - Night Howlers Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 15p 20.8% 33
WC '16 Contest 4 S4 - Hopps and Wilde on the Case Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 15p 13.3% 18
WC '16 Finals J1 - Fencing Woburn Challenge Implementation 5p 60.4% 51
WC '16 Finals J2 - Enigmoo Woburn Challenge Implementation 5p 26.0% 32
WC '16 Finals S1 - Cow-Bot Construction Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 7p 36.0% 34
WC '16 Finals S2 - Rational Recipes Woburn Challenge Simple Math 7p 31.3% 36
WC '16 Finals S3 - Privacy Woburn Challenge Dynamic Programming 12p 54.8% 75
WC '16 Finals S4 - Bug Infestation Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 20p 14.0% 13
WC '16 Finals S5 - Bovine Grenadiers Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 25p 10.3% 6
WC '17 Contest 1 J1 - Canadian Accent Woburn Challenge Implementation 3 66.0% 574
WC '17 Contest 1 J2 - How's the Weather? Woburn Challenge Simple Math 3 68.3% 4064
WC '17 Contest 1 J3 - Stanley Woburn Challenge Implementation 3 53.3% 170
WC '17 Contest 1 J4 - Canuck Detection Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms 5p 37.1% 122
WC '17 Contest 1 S1 - On the Rocks Woburn Challenge Implementation 5p 32.9% 90
WC '17 Contest 1 S2 - Ride the Rocket Woburn Challenge Greedy Algorithms, Simple Math 10p 31.0% 30
WC '17 Contest 1 S3 - Crosscountry Canada Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 15p 30.8% 34
WC '17 Contest 1 S4 - Change Woburn Challenge Uncategorized 17p 11.8% 16