Points breakdown
100 / 100
on Oct. 19, 2024, 12:55 a.m.
weighted 95% (29pp)
100 / 100
on Aug. 26, 2024, 6:47 p.m.
weighted 86% (26pp)
100 / 100
on July 22, 2024, 3:45 p.m.
weighted 77% (23pp)
100 / 100
on Nov. 3, 2024, 12:02 a.m.
weighted 74% (18pp)
100 / 100
on Nov. 2, 2024, 11:58 p.m.
weighted 70% (17pp)
100 / 100
on July 11, 2024, 11:48 a.m.
weighted 63% (16pp)
AAC (98 points)
ACC (22 points)
Problem | Score |
Another Contest 3 Problem 1 - Diverse Arrays | 7 / 7 |
Another Contest 5 Problem 3 - Cutting Cheese Costs | 5 / 5 |
Another Contest 7 Problem 3 - Network Connections | 10 / 10 |
APIO (152.890 points)
Baltic OI (202 points)
BlueBook (102 points)
Bubble Cup (22 points)
Problem | Score |
Bubble Cup V8 H Bots | 12 / 12 |
Bubble Cup V9 C Paint it really, really black | 10 / 10 |
Bulgarian OI (24 points)
Problem | Score |
Bulgarian OI '09 P2 - Boxen | 12 / 12 |
Bulgarian OI '09 P4 - Frogs | 12 / 12 |
CCC (972.350 points)
CCO (283.760 points)
CEOI (60 points)
Problem | Score |
CEOI '18 P1 - Cloud Computing | 15 / 15 |
CEOI '18 P2 - Global Warming | 15 / 15 |
CEOI '19 P4 - Amusement Park | 30 / 30 |
China NOI (199.400 points)
Classics (67 points)
COCI (629.327 points)
Data Structure Tests (35 points)
Problem | Score |
Binary Indexed Tree Test | 10 / 10 |
Disjoint Set Test | 10 / 10 |
Segment Tree Test | 15 / 15 |
DMOPC (729 points)
DWITE (31 points)
ECOO (12 points)
Problem | Score |
ECOO '17 R3 P2 - Family Trees | 7 / 7 |
ECOO '19 R1 P1 - Free Shirts | 5 / 5 |
EGOI (29 points)
Problem | Score |
EGOI '21 P2 - Luna Likes Love | 12 / 12 |
EGOI '22 P5 - Data Centers | 10 / 10 |
EGOI '23 P1 - Inflation | 7 / 7 |
FHC (30 points)
Problem | Score |
Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 1 P1 - Homework | 10 / 10 |
Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 1 P2 - Autocomplete | 10 / 10 |
Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 2 P1 - Lazy Sort | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC (49 points)
ICPC (55.412 points)
IOI (713 points)
JOI (82.300 points)
Mock CCC (77 points)
Mock CCO (35 points)
Problem | Score |
CCO Preparation Test 5 P1 - City Game | 15 / 15 |
CCO Preparation Test 6 P3 - HopScotch | 20 / 20 |
MWC (7 points)
Problem | Score |
MWC '15 #3 P3: Bad News | 7 / 7 |
Olympiads School (25 points)
Problem | Score |
Least Multiple | 10 / 10 |
City Travel | 15 / 15 |
SAC Coding Challenge (14 points)
Problem | Score |
SAC '22 Code Challenge 1 P3 - That Pool | 7 / 7 |
SAC '22 Code Challenge 5 Junior P4 - Course Requirements | 7 / 7 |
Seasonal (156.500 points)
SIUCF (20 points)
Problem | Score |
Summer Institute '17 Contest 3 P5 - Balanced Cycles | 20 / 20 |
TLE (67 points)
TSOC (7 points)
Problem | Score |
TSOC '15 Contest 1 #5 - Giant Ants | 7 / 7 |
Uncategorized (1297.620 points)
VM7WC (79 points)
WAC (8 points)
Problem | Score |
Wesley's Anger Contest Reject 2 - 🥕suba | 3 / 3 |
Wesley's Anger Contest Reject 5 - Two Permutations | 5 / 5 |
Waterloo Local (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Waterloo 2017 Winter B - Vera and LCS | 10 / 10 |